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Tracy Priestnall

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Everything posted by Tracy Priestnall

  1. plummers chasing a duck .. wow ! i have been missing out on life ! and for the first time ever i agree with the wirrel redline countryman plucky one .. i don't know why you bother explaining ?
  2. just got a message saying six weeks ..is this you ? don't know what a p m is , or how to send one , but give me 48 hours and i'll get my number to you ... just took me twenty minutes to re-find this page !!! kev..medlock crew
  3. coat has nothing to do with it , your lurchers have the same coat and their doing more cover than the little bitch . how many rabbits do you see on a average walk , has she caught or seen a catch yet , is she chasing in full view , ten foot or less behind a rabbit and still not hitting cover hard ? did you have her last winter when the cover was down ... more info needed
  4. i think you'll throw some fine pups , i like the stamp of both dogs and their a nice match, i'd be interested in a bitch pup if your trading ..
  5. superb photos , particularly on the river and the head shots
  6. that dogs got character .. love the way it springs over the privets
  7. giro you represent no one but yourself ..what would i do .. not start a dumb arse club in the first place but the question is what will you do , beside going to ' talk 'to timid tim ,what are you and your club going to do ? you've got your name , want £ 11 for what ? .. a news letter ? were there ten of thousands asking you to start this club , if so you should have ten of thousands of members, how many members so far ? how many lurcher men are members of the countryside alliance ? i'll let you use both hands ! call it giros jolly lurcher club no problems but a w l sounds like you represent mo
  8. i know what you mean squirrel .. but back to the original question i'd keep a pink poodle if it would do the job . I wouldn't be asking which cross ,which breed .. i would be thinking what does the pack need , its a lot too ask one dog too face hard cover each day throughout a season but in some areas you can rely on one bushing dog. I would recommend hound types too anyone because they pick up on ground scent that lurchers and terriers only feather on and pass , but from your description i'd stay they are not what your after and remember don't assume the lakeland will understand how the hound
  9. NOT IN MY NAME , no thanks ..let me guess a few shows , lure chasing ,a few articles and a meeting with the plum mouthed weaklings at the country alliance.. whats their latest campaign rural bus stops ? you don't , or won't , represent me .. better to call yourself giros lurcher club..anyway i'll let you get on with your ' best practice ' report..
  10. no two bobbery packs are the same , and there are NO rules in bobbery packs ..two of the greatest things about bushing and anyone trying to set standards is in the wrong game. i don't do enough rabbiting to care about retrieving and anything bigger doesn't need retrieving . if mine saw a ferret they'd think ' yellow mink! i like well run , organised packs and i like' wild as hawk's ' packs.. no snoberry bobberry...kev , medlock crew
  11. amazed at how many on this site keep terrier's but knock them for going to ground , its like knocking a water dog for coming home wet ! terriers that work rabbit shouldn't go to ground it serves no purpose and terriers for fox should at every opportunity. SIZE isn't always the cure , cockers , beagles , basset, small lurchers , collie's, anything up to the size of foxhounds can, and do , trench into an earth and need digging out, a mates brindle 21-22 " lurcher went to ground and bolted one just last year.... so it isn't so much size has inclination , i have a 12 " beagle type who won't pass
  12. which quarry requires the best nose , hare or fox ? i assume most agree its the hare ,beagles find the straight running fox easy work compared to hare. has for beagles staying up with foxhounds , hard on big open areas but beagles stick tighter to the line. your foxhounds going full steam over run the line , take a big swing like a flock of pigeons ,come back on the line only to find the beagles are now in front..modern beagles hunt like mini foxhounds and over run nearly as much , old type beagles don't over run by hundreds of yards and make time not waste it ... only talking small gun pack
  13. Most modern pack beagles are harrier's .. 17 - 18 " isn't a beagle in my view , its a small harrier . As for beagle packs , in rough country they under cover and away whilst foxhounds and harriers are ' bunching up ' trying to push through bramble.and any pack that riot on squirrel , hares , deer is down to the huntsmen not the breed/strain . plus , the reason beagle cross foxhound are not often bred is down to size , I've seen first cross beagle x foxhound , 21 -22 " thick set , stocky hounds that weren't fast and would be left standing by foxhound or harrier. i don't know enough about foxh
  14. top write up ,been a while since i heard the gaskins name .. a lot of great characters in the match dog game.
  15. read a book on red foxes that said foxes have been recorded as having litters, in the u k , in 11 months of the year , i think-not sure - it said December is the only month they hadn't been recorded
  16. I love whippets ..but i wouldn't own one , i had a bitch on slip , ten terriers started yapping under cover 150 yards away and shes starts cart-wheeling , so i un-clipped her her lead and held her under my arms and we got a run...struck me later that i'd just had a longdog capable of rat to roe ( pre fecking ban ) under my arms ! vary handy and vary odd - how many lurchers could you pick up ? and they look so ' innocent ' if you get a pull
  17. saw a photo of two first cross in the shooting times a while back, they were on the heavy side but looked right enough for lamping and tops for daytime ratching, i was shocked at how nice a cross they were ,vary handsome . plus heard of one in early 90's , but never saw it , that was a top fox dog in salford . I've never seen one to be honest but it's a cross that i'd be interested in
  18. from the early 80's i remember seeing brindle terriers but only in rough coated dog's were it was called grizzle not brindle , any smooth brindle were classed as cross-bred.or bull cross . the ' grizzle's ' i remember were out of litters throwing black ,red or black and tan pups with the occasional grizzle, no bull that i know of ,they were really thick coated. the only time i see grizzle now is on the odd pet cairn ..but your right ' were is the brindle ?
  19. it's gone from a fella wanting opinion's on getting another terrier to stamina and coat's in terrier's ? .. to whoever said a 40 lb dog can't match a terrier of 10 lb go on youtube and type in spaniel field trials . has for stamina it's all about desire and substance , the desire to hunt all day and the build to carry it out, if you have a little terrier with a good build ' a little lump ' and it love's hunting it will go all day. however once you hunt 3 -4 day's a week it break's as many dog's as it make's . despite what the ' mocker's ' say bushing is hard work , it's true that any dog will
  20. i would call him a ' bullet ' hound ,i know some welsh head's that would call him a ' hill dog ' what do you expect from this dog ? does he run with hound's ? does he ' mouth ' ? do you see him as a hound or lurcher ? and what is his main role , a finder or a catch dog or a bit of both ?he's a lovely animal.
  21. on the size of bushing dog's i think ' shape ' is has important , i keep hearing whippet cross dog's described as belly-crawling through cover yet there are plenty of springer spaniel's of whippet size and they don't belly crawl ! also, weight isn't being taken into account , a dog of 45 -50lb is the equivalent of three terrier's weight-wise and if they have the 'desire ' they'll split a bramble in half. i like all good bramble dog's but i have seen them of all sizes and stamp's .
  22. it is the rabbit's defense to take dog's into a maze of run's and lose them ..two terrier's won't catch regularly , you need another terrier .. better still another two , if a rabbit flushes the terrier's can't hunt it down like a hound ,or race it like a running dog .. so it's best to ' contain ' the rabbit, i e , try and keep it in the bramble , clap, shout ,turn the coneys back into cover ,so they have to run back toward's the dog's ..once in a blue moon you'll get a catch out of it. another way is too hold one dog in your arm's till the first dog find's .. drop the terrier only when he ha
  23. i was talking to your rusty on the phone , he reckon's your a jinx !
  24. did i just read someone saying you can train a terrier not to go to ground ? the world's gone mad ! try selling that litter TERRIER'S FOR SALE, THESE DOG'S WILL NOT GO TO GROUND...good luck with that ! even plummer's ..some of them , will go to ground. it 's what earth dog's do ! a mate dug six foot deep to a cocker spaniel, i know of beagle/spaniel that have been dug too, i have owned beagles and griffon's that went to ground , a mates 21" bully whippety thing bolted from a tight earth .. i read of a corgi that was used as a earth dog ..the list goes on, if you want dog's that will not go
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