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Everything posted by diggingman21

  1. Lovely stamp of a terrier well worked anyway
  2. is there any old nuttall breeding left in ireland they have changed in size over the years......
  3. Think that dog was mixed up with fogarthy Sam not 100 percent sure
  4. And that is how u ruin a topic personally if a dog fails for me he get one more chance then bye .... I would not breed off it nor would keep it or charge 500 euro
  5. there is afew dogs down your way chesney that are booth x ac blood seems to have clicked for the lads that are using themseen a dog at birr bred that way(think he won it)-looked a cracker anyways(his owner on here ,or used be) Is your bitch tiny tiger go back to tonic
  6. Read it again ya think few tip lads have booth lines
  7. game of 2 halves but that sport great game to watch was entertaining
  8. ya think few tipp lads still have it alright fat man
  9. was she that hard mush dd she produce much workers when bred toid say she was the most important producer of workers in the world let alone ireland. i no that just want to no did much good dogs and bitches come out of her
  10. was she that hard mush dd she produce much workers when bred to
  11. Working terriers ya but no place in a book that anyone could get there hands on yeno
  12. Who owned bosco was it j m also anyone dig to booths tonic or nuttall miner
  13. Read the book and tbh it wasn't great advertisement for hunting some pictures shouldn't of been on it and some lies in it too but hey paper never refused ink ...... An advertisement for money tbh
  14. Are they any good was thinking of getting one as I'll never be able to pay a morgage
  15. Anyone no where ya get good two piece set or full steel one
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