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Everything posted by Chunk94

  1. He is only a 5 month old pup lol
  2. Yours was to big to bring down lol
  3. Never come back don't make me laugh
  4. Tbh boys I thnk my dog would bring most of your moms down
  5. What can saluki bull greys bring down
  6. My to pups for next season http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab50/jesshubb2006/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-01/85F672C2-65DE-4632-8600-24739C31DE25_zpspu3cumrr.jpg
  7. Might of left school a couple of years and go but still best you in more than one way
  8. You just jealous it's named after my big chunky chopper and bet you got useless dogs ent
  9. It makes you laugh lol I think there is abit of jealous from you northenlite that you haven got a pup like that !!!
  10. My dog goes out on the lamp with his mom and he looking down the beam he is really keen
  11. I have got the brother to your dog and he is far from a slow starter
  12. Me and hubbs regular go out on the lamp with my standard poodle he catches a few rabbits here and there
  13. My two boys for next seasion http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab50/jesshubb2006/85F672C2-65DE-4632-8600-24739C31DE25_zps6pndtygo.jpg
  14. Really cannt see the point of that cause the rabbit has no chance
  15. I will take that lamp of your hands mate if you wanna get rid
  16. She is a nice pup mate I can remember her at 6 week old I had the runt of the litter how big is she?
  17. Chunk94

    Hard Man

    Defo you hubbs when u had a beer lol
  18. Hello everyone I am having problems with my 5 month old lurcher pup I have tried training pads and every time I try not puting them down there is just a wet patch on the floor just could do with some advice to help me to stop the messing in the house
  19. The rabbit was about 4 foot away when he pick in up not like he coursed it
  20. About the same size of my pup mate
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