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slip lead

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Everything posted by slip lead

  1. What socks said, very very easily done this time of year/ temperature. Hopefully a good rest, and it will be fine, if not, could happen after every run or just after a long one. How old is the dog, and on what was it run as freshly cut stubble can also cause this problem.
  2. Treat the local kids to some catapults, constant bombardment soon moves them on, half a dozen on each caravan roof at 2 am will do the trick. As for there kids bulling your kids I would be ashamed. Never understood why people are so scared of travlers, just look at 99% of the videos on YouTube "shameful" matcheck them man for man and see the difference In there attitude towards you..
  3. The hearn v Duran fight only lasted about 4 minutes but the amount of head shots Duran takes is unbelievably, and the punch that knocked him out was one of the best of its time...
  4. Depends what ya call work.. Good and bad in allsorts fella, just a known fact, when the traveler's come to town, the crime rate rockets..
  5. It was started by eastern Europeans years ago, probably something they done back home, different signs mean different things like "old lady living alone" or "no one home during working hours" there slippery c###s up to every scam going, and a lot seem to be living on sites with the traveler's. So be worned some will just be kids scribble, hopefully you never see the other kind....
  6. Micheala if you work on a farm and have permission, why not invite someone of here to help you on your own land, as it might hold spots that shouldn't be worked by someone so green, or even warrens that your never see your ferret again.
  7. Google hunting forums in tennessee usa bet there's quite a few..
  8. Ouch, bet she keeps her distance in future
  9. No they don't have too, just keep the court/hutch spotless, when the jills are swollen, it's very easy to get infections. Also keep the ones you don't wont to breed from, as far from the hob as possible. But the safest way, is taking them out of season as quickly as possible, hence, get ya hob to the vets and buy in when needed..
  10. When I had ferrets,about 25 years, only ever used small Jills, and never found a Warren they couldn't empty...
  11. So nice to here on the forum that ferrets are now being housed and fed property. Come a long way from bread and milk and living in a carry box. tsteven there's a fella on the forum that makes ferret wheels, something your ferrets might enjoy.
  12. Why the f#@k was they having a KIDS party with a dog they just re homed two day previous. Loads of exciting kids screaming and running around, I wouldn't even have a lapdog present. Definitely someone that should never be able to own any bred in future.
  13. Are they albinos or them black eyed whites.....
  14. Never had the sense to run fella, always stood me ground and took what was coming. Sooner take a beating than the shame of leaving a mate behind.
  15. Most people would piss there pants, if the same happend to them, see plenty of big hard nuts melt when it come on top, unless you have been in a simular situation, it's very had to comment on what you would REALLY do..
  16. If you are working them alone in heavy cover I would use a bell as well, and get a bar, makes finding them easier when they have a bell on, but if burrows are deep a finder is a must
  17. I think his trying to tell you inside is HIS space.
  18. Batten down ya hatches, there all be out tonight, getting TVs,and trainers...
  19. You can get a sealer for block paving, that stops oil and diesel staining the blocks, it will work just the same on concrete floors preventing an liquids getting into the concrete
  20. You can get a sealer for block paving, that stops oil and diesel staining the blocks, it will work just the same on concrete floors preventing an liquids getting into the concrete
  21. That would last me all day, breakfast dinner and f@#@#@g tea lol
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