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Everything posted by craigzw

  1. I am looking at a scope for a .22LR myself and although I have never used Leapers these two were recommended by a friend that has the 3-9x32 and has one on his .22LR and also an air rifle and is very pleased with them. I think they are in the price range you were looking at. Quite compact and I think there is a fixed or variable model. Both have illuminated reticles too. I am probably going to go for the 3-9x32 personally, and I think they come with rings which you could sell on if you didn't need. http://www.tacticalscope.co.uk/leapers-3-9x32-bug-buster-cqb-compact-rifle-scope--qd-pic
  2. Will have to borrow a .410 from a friend for the day I think as only have a 12G and the only other thing that would be remotely quiet is my .22LR in sub sonic with a moderator, but as stated would need FEO permission for that which may be an issue. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
  3. Thanks very much, think I will be giving my friendly local FEO a call tomorrow to see what he suggests, as don't fancy falling on the wrong side of the law just in case!
  4. Just one last question sorry to be a pain, as was suggested a .410 instead of a firearm such as .22lr how would shooting it with .410 differ legally other than the shotgun cert doesn't have any restrictions on it, is it legal to discharge it in a residential area? Thanks again
  5. Thanks for the ideas. I have both an FAC and a shotgun cert, and have a moderated .22LR but as I have been living abroad the FAC is still restricted in that the land has to be approved by the local constabulary. All my other restrictions have been removed and after speaking to the firearms officer he said it was procedure to keep that restriction on regardless of previous licences held abroad, and experience, thus why I was going to trap it and take it 15 minutes down the road to the land I have permission to shoot on. Problem is I don't want to cause the animal any unnecessary distress transp
  6. I apologise if this has already been covered before, but I have been having some issues with a particular fox in my garden. My neighbour whom is an old man has left a part of his garden to become totally overgrown. I have offered to help him in general with his grass cutting and garden but he has no interest. Lately we are finding more and more signs of a fox in our garden. One night my daughter woke my wife up to say something was scratching at her bedroom window and when my wife opened the curtain she saw the fox digging up the flowerbed below the window. In the morning there was muddy paw
  7. In reference to the police arriving and having red dots on your chest, if anyone has caused alarm to the public by drawing unwanted attention to themselves by brandishing or walking around in view of the public without thinking carefully if there is A: firstly the need to walk around with a firearm not appropriately covered as to draw attention to them, which is indeed contrary to suggested good sporting practice, or B: to be in a place likely to cause public concern with a firearm without justifiable cause, then you would be in direct contravention of your FAC Either way regardles
  8. When I quoted 'CQB' I was primarily referring to a compact scope such as a leapers UTC 3-9x32 for use at range not likely to exceed 50-75yrds, with minimal need for a large variable scope. Given the fact the above scope is marketed on some web sites in a multitude of manner such as a 'compact hunting scope', some as a CQB style scope, others as a good air rifle scope, I was primarily meant to a narrative description of the small compact scope. As for the rats and rabbits fighting back well what can I say!
  9. Thanks for the replies, primarily I shoot a CZ .17hmr for vermin or a .243 for longer range fox and deer and a .308 for deer. I work in the middle east, and use either an M4 or HK variant in my daily work. Thus the primary use for this weapon will be range practice while in the UK on leave. However having said that I appreciate that it is a tactical looking weapon and as such will automatically draw attention from members of the public. The land I shoot on is just over 3500 acres and as such on the very odd occasion I used it for vermin it would be in a very remote location and probably from
  10. Hello all, Im trying to find a Leaper 3-9x32 Bug Buster scope as they seem reasonably priced, are compact, have illuminated reticles and come with quick release weaver rings all for about £120, but cannot find them anywhere. Does anyone know who stocks them in the UK or have a suggested alternative for a compact scope that will go onto a .22LR carbine? Any advice or suggestions welcomed. Thank you in advance.
  11. Hello everyone, Ive just joined the forum after doing some research online and this site popped up about a Leapers 3-9x32 Bug Buster scope. I am getting an HK416 D10RS in .22LR and will primarily be using it on the range, however will also be using it on the odd close range pest control outing, as an alternative for my .17HMR. My question is has anyone used one of these, or have an alternative that they would recommend as the rifle is a carbine so am looking for a compact 'CQB' style scope that preferably has an illuminated reticle. I have searched all over and can only find one or 2 suppliers
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