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About BenWearden

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  • Location
    Lancashire, United Kingdom
  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/55348563@N07/11379300616/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/55348563@N07/11379301786/ I couldn't sleep this morning, so to tame the nocturnal beast instead me I decided to take my small Scottish Terrier for a walk down the local nature reserve. Despite not owning a night vision scope as of yet, I still took my gun, knife and game bag. The walk itself is fantastic, and is brimming with wildlife. Although I could hear a lot of activity within the trees, I couldn't see anything, nor could my flash light spot anything. Branching off from the reserve is an old, d
  2. I also suspect the worse to do would of been to let the animal suffer in pain. The best of us track the animal down till it is located and put the poor fella/female out of its misery. I guess that gives us a few brownie points?!
  3. Would a CO2 pistol be useful for close range follow up shots? Everyone has there bad days, it's inevitable. It's a true pain in the arse when the weather is to blame. I pray for truly calm weather for all hunters in 2014! Does this forum organise member meet ups by any chance?
  4. It was more annoying that I had such a beautiful shot lined up. All hunters respect nature, it's a true shame to see them suffer. It's part of the game though I guess! I bet you guys can spot a beginner from miles away!
  5. So I awoke early this morning hoping to get a full morning shooting. Had my usual porridge oats, most if which ended up down myself in my tired state, and I geared up to head out. I hit my permission shortly after 8am and set up in a slightly dispersed tree row- leaving me ample room for a clear field of view, but yet ample coverage. It wasn't long before I had my first target of the day, a pigeon sat on a concrete field division fence around 40 yards away. I took aim, a released the trigger, ending in a beautiful plume of feathers. The bird fell over the fence into the next field which I als
  6. I bought a very nice Soc blade a couple of days ago. Just awaiting my knife sharpener, game bag and decoys to arrive. I've also ordered a DeerHunter Recon jacket with the Optifade camouflage. Does anyone have any reviews on this type of camo? Oh, and I already have some Moleskin trousers and boots! Thanks for the replies- it's much appreciated!
  7. Hey guys! I've recently started small game hunting with a .22 calibre rifle whilst I await my gun certificate approval. I'm currently building my hunting equipment and attire. My general game include squirrels, pigeons, magpies, pigeons and rabbits- does anyone have any must have hunting essentials for the field? Thanks in advance!
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