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About Chasing&digging

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Can u put a pic up mate? And do they have pegs?
  2. I was waiting to see if the person who contacted me first who seeing them Friday he doesn't want them I will be in contact
  3. Licence running out and dnt want to renew so they got to go
  4. Can't upload pic but ones a 3 shot pump and the other a webley and Scott single £75 for the pair on licence kent
  5. Apart from the comedians up the top of the post cheers for the advice
  6. Apart from the comedians up the top of the post cheers for the advice
  7. (I would really like some sound advice) how do I go about to start digging do I get a terrier and learn I should I learn from somone eles
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