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Everything posted by clipo

  1. You can be the official photographer this year. And straight in at number 8 of the top 40 shitest jokes of 2014....... No. Seriously. We didn't have one last year and I had to stand in. See post 3861....... he is actually being serious lol he was the photographer last year and if he is fishing this year he wont be able to do it again!!!!
  2. you have to bump the original we cant let it fade away to the archives mate
  3. Difference is theirs are native.. so "technically" a muslim could become russian president??? imagine one getting that job...............
  4. he was an expert guide on welsh waters many years ago!! i can remember reading about him and US president jimmy carter in the shooting times when i was a kid......
  5. Fucksake the years only began and already I'm getting pressured into going :laugh: could be a good craic (share a lift ) haymin ,Scott ,baw, lab + labs fat lab ? that sounds like the start of a good joke one things for sure, the banter would be flowing especially if lab relaxes his no smoking policy Smoke what ye like....Al no be driving. A f*****g pilot will be. Drive to Wales....jog on!!!!...lol Ahhhh it's in wales something you don't associate with the welsh, fishing. Have they any famous fisherman I wonder moc morgan
  6. yep i should of checked the fixture list first max lol
  7. and for that 40 they will be on time, graft like f**k, be happy with a mcdonalds for dinner, not moan at all and be more than happy to come back the next day!!!
  8. after all that its fooking sideways
  9. guess Well for fucks sakes lads no one tells me anything! Stewie?? lol its past midnight you behave yourself .. i will be doing mate!!! sick of falling out with people on here now tbh its pathetic and ill admit 90% of it is my own fault im not going to apologise for things ive said recently but i will certainly leave it all now as its stupid, pointless and just a waste of life that could be well spent doing far more important things!!!!
  10. guess Well for fucks sakes lads no one tells me anything! Stewie?? lol
  11. The match will hopefully be on the Wye and the presentation/piss up isn't finalised yet but we may have a pub with camping sorted around Abergavenny area. is it bring your own roadkill......... Burgers, roadkill or even some nice cakes would suffice. ill never forget you 3 turning up with that in the back mun
  12. The match will hopefully be on the Wye and the presentation/piss up isn't finalised yet but we may have a pub with camping sorted around Abergavenny area. is it bring your own roadkill.........
  13. its up to wales12345678910 butty..........
  14. cant believe it was over 4 months ago mate!!!! times f***ing flew since then
  15. nice to see so many of you put the comp down on this thread lads.........thanks alot it makes all the effort more than worthwhile and was a pleasure meeting you all over a cracking weekend and i look forward to next years in wales........happy new year to all on THL.........
  16. i never knew that mate but reading that made it even more worth doing........
  17. good luck mate i no a guy from preston into springers so ill ask him next time we speak ​
  18. always nice to read of someone getting what there after!!! be really interesting to see how she turns out............best of luck with her........
  19. clipo

    Big Cats.

    bet that dog in your avatar would smash one........ whats it like owning a grch....... That fat lump would shit itself!!!! really??? he told me it was from his line of game bred dogs he hunted lions with when he lived in africa.......
  20. clipo

    Big Cats.

    bet that dog in your avatar would smash one........ whats it like owning a grch.......
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