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Everything posted by clipo

  1. :laugh: Poor bitch, how cruel of you!!!! Now Stewie, If it had been you that slipped and face planted I think a little bit piss would come out......... kunts
  2. lol ray!! yeah they can embarras you at times!!
  3. just cant believe it happened then mate lol all f***ing day the twats flying over gates then does that f****r ffs!!! proper stuck up anti types to and i only jumped the gate in the first place as there dogs are aggresive little kunts!!! just took the dogs a walk before work and shes limping now all over a fecking gate lol
  4. he also supports united like all the other glory hunting sheep lol
  5. said this story to a few lads earlier and as non dog men they never understood and said i was wrong......... but need to get it off my chest as hundreds on here will agree took the dogs out earlier........nothing special, just a sunday afternoon mooch..........all went well......."UNTILL" on the last part of the mooch towards home, bear in mind i hadnt seen a single person for 4 hours, i came across a couple walking there two border terriers down a track that you cant really avoid bumping into them..........they put the dogs on a lead and i was about to do the same but as i was walk
  6. threads like these always head to irish ballard songs......... not bad though as there quality........ been out for a few pints/games of pool/joints and listening to this at full volume as i type this........ i f*****g love shane macgowan...........from now untill the end of time this song will be the ULTIMATE song to sing on christmas day while your seeing boxing day in in style......... same with oasis..........there irish background led to classics like this......... BUT if you ask my best ever drunk sing along, well its gotta be this...........
  7. dont ever try to judge me dude......you dont no what the f**k ive been through..........
  8. i hope to f**k that never ends up on here........ Put a god ballad up dry balls if i could i would lol
  9. i hope to f**k that never ends up on here........
  10. champagne supernova............
  11. if he aint seen it tonight its going in general lol
  12. i MIGHT be going now mate but saving the big announcement for when i no for sure lolDo you expect to be under the name of clipo when announcing it? If not what do we look for? well seeing as "clipo" was an amalgamation of my zippo and clipper lighters on the table when i signed up (all i could think at the time lol) my next name will be zipper :laugh:could of been worse you could of been sat in your van having a wank ===== vanwank ----wankvan ffs that fits the bill Vanker?? Renault masterbator? there both transhit..........
  13. i MIGHT be going now mate but saving the big announcement for when i no for sure lolDo you expect to be under the name of clipo when announcing it? If not what do we look for? well seeing as "clipo" was an amalgamation of my zippo and clipper lighters on the table when i signed up (all i could think at the time lol) my next name will be zipper :laugh: could of been worse you could of been sat in your van having a wank ===== vanwank ----wankvan ffs that fits the bill ffs youve sorted your computer out then........... router problem with my ip address fook knows least i`ve
  14. i MIGHT be going now mate but saving the big announcement for when i no for sure lolDo you expect to be under the name of clipo when announcing it? If not what do we look for? well seeing as "clipo" was an amalgamation of my zippo and clipper lighters on the table when i signed up (all i could think at the time lol) my next name will be zipper :laugh: could of been worse you could of been sat in your van having a wank ===== vanwank ----wankvan ffs that fits the bill ffs youve sorted your computer out then...........
  15. my old man brought this in a job lot at an auction and looking them up for him i think this is a good one!!! from what ive found the 3 spiked ones are rare??? its defo got some age to it so wondered if anyone on here knew anything about them??? thanks in advance if anyone can help.......
  16. that aint a bad result to be fair as southampton have been doing well of late....
  17. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-dJolYw8tnk
  18. did you steal them doughnuts of walshie
  19. more money = more corruption...... personally i think papers are used as "bullshit baffles brains" to the buyer!!! if i went to buy a terrier or a lurcher pup all id want to see is the mum, dad, healthy pups and then just hope you just get the "feel" that this pup is off the right stuff and off the right person for you. i honsetly cant see why the price of gundogs has gone up....you can buy a working terrier AND a working lurcher for the daft price some are wanting for gundog pups :blink_eek: crazy if you ask me!!! this season if been taking my sisters cocker out with the lurchers
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