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Everything posted by clipo

  1. next year the mighty reds will be back _41185457_gerrardtrophy.jpg I hope so mate, a real team with European pedigree.Go on Mal bite..... I want to but I just can't lol...
  2. yeah that would be typical of my luck mate lol.....but i dont think LFC are aiming for 4th place
  3. next year the mighty reds will be back
  4. good one mate she is a nice bitch tho like a blue doberman lol how is she bred???
  5. http://m.arbroathherald.co.uk/news/local-news/major-probe-after-train-is-derailed-1-2622218 :hmm:
  6. that ones gonna stick now lol I only watched it on sky at my mates but i thought he looked poor...i knew he was going to miss that peno from the second he won it!!! Seems to have had a knock to his confidence some players take a while to settle and the mad price tags dont help some of them but id defo expect more if i was a gooner!!! As for being happy with 2-0 well thats just embarrassing!!!
  7. Well arsenal lost aswell at home and with them and city taking the same score to germany and spain respectively looks like its adios and auf wiedersehen Good games from a mutual perspective tho
  8. like the blue one mate, unusual markings, is it codie???
  9. agree mate my bed is somewhere i like to get in when its all made up nice and fresh after a shower after a shitty day at work to sleep....i dont want some dirty stinking animal that dont wipe its arse after a shit stinking it out and waking me up every time it heres something.....each to there own like but f**k that
  10. mu·tu·al (myo̅o̅′cho̅o̅-əl)adj.1. Having the same relationship each to the other: mutual predators.2. Directed and received by each toward the other; reciprocal: mutual respect.3. Possessed in common: mutual interests.4. Of, relating to, or in the form of mutual insurance.n.A mutual fund. .mu′tu·al·ly adv.Usage Note: Mutual is used to describe a reciprocal relationship between two or more people or things. Thustheir mutual animosity means "their animosity for each other" or "the animosity between them," and a mutual defense treaty is one in which each party agrees to come to the defense
  11. One major difference, I suspect most on here can spell their own name !well said WLIF
  12. it will come with time mate just get her out an about as much as you can before you no it the penny will drop
  13. articgun looks like he brought it home from the pup a few months before http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/10647159/Six-day-old-baby-killed-in-suspected-attack-by-pet-dog.html
  14. imo its when a baby crys that a dog changes around them.....a dogs instinct is to "prey" on vunerable and weak animals and unfortunatly they dont come more like that than a little baby..... its the same thing as calling foxes....you squeal like an animal in distress and charlie cant help him self but to investigate an easy meal....we all know that but unfortunatly your average dog owner dont and leave big powerful dogs with new born babys in the hope it will just be like it is with them and the results are a dog reverting to its basic instinct and a dead baby gotta say i agree with bird.
  15. and dont get me started on canned hunting http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1RrK7lC4JvY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1RrK7lC4JvY ive read that lion above came from a zoo the week before and shot for a trophy ffs!!!
  16. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2g4SaLGB98c the type in that video are miles away from him imo shooting a lion thats used to people with a bow while its lying down aint sport or hunting imo
  17. got to say im looking forward to this as a mutual!!! gonna be a right test to see how far city have come think barca will be coming for the win tho or at least a couple of goals to take back to the nou camp so could be a few goals in it at each end!!!! im going 3-2 city.....
  18. course i do mate!!! but in an era where its easier to type "red stag" in to google rather than going to find one at day break then its just the way it is!!! is a shame tho, its not right and something that will only get worse
  19. I can't understand why guys have kids if they don't want them. Or is this the norm for them? Cos we enjoy different things, are we right and them wrong? I don't mean kids turning into alkies but not enjoying the outdoors. Maybe it's us that are the weirdos and they loved there childhood too. f**k knows, seems alien to me.end of the day mate you only notice it cause its what you did when you were a wee kunt (some say you still are ) someone in to trainspotting as a kid would think the same about that, someone into football as a kid would say the same etc etc......everyone is different and thats
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