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Single handed

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Everything posted by Single handed

  1. Have you changed your num pal ill take it off u company for its sister haha
  2. not that is not showing intrest brings rabbit dummys back and showed it few dead rabbits grabs them just wont chance them on lamp yet had it feet off them just looks at me hahaPlaying with the dummy's is all good pal but at 7 months I wouldn't be trying to let him chace rabbits on the lamp yet at all! You can see from the dogs face he is still puppyish! End of the season now anyway! He'll be good to start bringing on come september! Just wait till then atm
  3. not that is not showing intrest brings rabbit dummys back and showed it few dead rabbits grabs them just wont chance them on lamp yet had it feet off them just looks at me haha
  4. not that is not showing intrest brings rabbit dummys back and showed it few dead rabbits grabs them just wont chance them on lamp yet had it feet off them just looks at me haha
  5. My pup 7 month 7/16 9/16 bull grey 22tts had him out with pals dog couple time on lamp not show any intrest yet haha ?
  6. Nice pics gaz pal what x is lurcher mate
  7. Because I said sent pm means a wanna swap a terrier a dont even keep terriers a was asking if it was for sale since he said he not getting it out shouldnt have to explain myself but there we go cheers stevo79 haha
  8. Nice dog pal she gonna be desent size good look with her pal
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