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Everything posted by bernie.g

  1. This time and every other time....too many people say "im not voting bnp they wont win" and if moaning about it on any forum gets a few more votes next time im all for it,having strong views can get you arrested these days mate so maybe forums like this are an easy place to talk freely and honestly,so that cant be bad can it. i always vote bnp. At the moment its my only way of voicing my opinion on how our great country, protected by our father's grandfathers and great grandfathers and now sold out to the influx of foreigners. No other country would put up with what we have to. Y
  2. don't run the dog on any thing till you start lamping, start the dog on squatters or easy runs if the dog opens up switch the lamp of,f the dog will shut up cos it can't see anything . as soon as it opens up switch it off it will soon understand the fun stops when it opens up
  3. whats up with roadwork gets the dogs fitter than fieldwork
  4. i think exersize your dogs elsewhere save the hares till they are ready to take the p*ss out the summer boys dogs
  5. it seems to me that the dog was'nt fit enough i allways give my running dogs as much road work as i can on a push bike same as huntsman with there horses roadwork really tones them up.i also agree with the other posts some people are only to quick to get rid. as with any thing you only get out what you put in.glad you persevered and got the dog right bernie
  6. Mac as with my others, was a fantastic dog. He had looks, strength, stamina, intelligence and humour. Hazel was the "lady" and Pip the tomboy. A very nice lady I know emailed me to say that the spirit of a beloved pet enters the body of your next pet. This seems so of Smudger as he is charming, witty and of great intelligence. Milly on the other hand needs a bit more work on her self confidence. I can see the gameness in her which is why I know she'll do well. Nearly there with her bernie
  7. She's 18 months old, not doing anything as yet but will start this coming back end bernie
  8. I think ye raving mad, personally! No Way would I visit your place unannounced, after dark though! Seriously though; Great stuff, mate. Be interesting to hear how ye get on with that scope fitted scope should be here next week and will let you all know bernie
  9. Just thought you might like to see my vermin controller Its an Italian made caplock Kentucky scout carbine fitted with a parker-hale globe front sight and a lyman peep tang sight. Also pictured is my cartridge belt which holds my speed loaders, short starter and nipple pick. I have kitted this rifle out and made the cartridge belt myself. I am getting groupings of 5 inch at 50 yards and 12 inch at 100 yards with the tang sight which is good shooting as it is a smooth bore and can be held on a shotgun certificate. I am now awaiting a Blackpowder brass Tasco 1860 Repl
  10. had many a black one lamping the sewage works at egginton derbys just off the A38
  11. Hi I've had 2 dogs, 3 bitches from Steve and his dogs are the b******'s. All entered on their own with no coaxing. Sadly and tragically though I lost 2 bitches and a dog when they jumped in my koi pond and drowned 2nd December last year. Phoned up Steve and got a lovely white russel bitch and first x lakeland russel. I can't recommend Steve's dogs enough. Bernie
  12. bedo whippet 1st cross pup wanted dog or bitch in exchange for one of my handmade hunting knives visit my website to view the quality of my handmade knives www.berax.co.uk thanks Bernie
  13. Evening all, recently joined this forum after spending quite a time reading the posts. I'm new to this forum business but hope to be able to input. I've been an "outdoors" man most of my adult life, my dogs have always been mainly lurchers but at the moment my 2 terriers will suffice. I've recently got back into shooting but now black powder is a great passion of mine, I'm a great fan of the mountain men era. I am a UK knife maker and bushcraft instructor, I'm not here to promote my work although if any one would like info on sharpening their knife or making their own knife I'd
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