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Everything posted by tandeasen

  1. plenty of great dogs right in Idaho. that is where I purchased my stag, but the fellas in Idaho have amazing dogs that could in my opinion catch anything on four legs.
  2. i and my partnerhas just received 2 stags that are proven runners and coursers. Our thoughts were to let these 2 animals breed and get a liter for a future hunter and have at least 3 dogs. I knnow from research that crosses are bred like a saluki, or collie mix. Will the 2 stags produce good animals?
  3. If there is any oppurtunity for us to make another trip let me know through this site or get in touch with me through e-mail. My user name is T andeasen, but my last name is Andreasen. We hace a snowmobile which could come in handy. Let us know. Enjoy the Holidays
  4. I would love the oppurtunity to do another hunt. Its all i think about. Me and Ron are itching to take another trip and are preparing for our own team. If ever any days are open to some greenhorns you can reach us through phone. Travis Andreasen on FB or i can send a #
  5. sorry about the loss. i am one of your newest fans due to the trip you honoed me with the past few weeks. The female you sent us back with is doing great. That sucks you lost Prime. i had a blast being able to watch those great dogs doing what they loved. hope all is well
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