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Everything posted by Ukroosterman

  1. 4 and half c.m I'll put some up now
  2. He just saw the hen C. M and was acting tuth lol
  3. Try a plastic round dust bin empty a full sack of oats and cover over with water add more the next day as they soak it up fast start feeding after 4 to 5 days.... Good luck
  4. From 4 days onward add cap redcell cider vinger and garlic... And tow the fella who ask if was good feed I would say it's about best for gamefowl there is second only to good green grass
  5. Soak and let go sour then feed em
  6. Not realy fan of the big birds but he looks nice! Sounds like a good deal to me..... Any one look for theses type fowl should snap this deal up... Uk
  7. Thanks C.M and thanks P.j the blue face are good looking fowl.. But the muffs would make believer out yh..... ATB uk
  8. Irish gray muff hen sister..... Moulting pretty bad but looking forward to breeding theses next season...
  9. My eyes must getten bad could swore the seconded was a fig pudding lol
  10. Nice Hennies Charlie is second one a black also
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