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Everything posted by Ukroosterman

  1. I think this photo sums it up pretty well...... Uk
  2. To be onast 28 I'm sure she would..... But I wouldn't say this would be the place to debate it?... As for english gamefowl I don't think you'll fine any truer bred then the north britton whitehackles..... Once a man starts to breed for the show pen it's game over.... Uk
  3. Well one trash is anothers treasure.......
  4. I was looking on another gamefowl site where they had a swap and trade thread...... Where you could swap birds, eggs, teathers, incubators, waters, carryboxes, magazines, ects....... I was thinking it would be good idea to Start one on here.... What do you guys think?...... Uk
  5. How do I go about contacting the mods on the fowl and feather section???....... Thanks in advance ukroosterman
  6. It's not pens it's birds in them that count..... And bye looks them they mean business.... Uk
  7. You had better pens back inn the day O.t.t....... Uk
  8. No.... I normally coat it with water proof paint...... Works for me..... Uk
  9. That's along the lines of what I was trying to get a cross 28...... UK
  10. Blue face hen down on 16 eggs....... To the red bomber!...
  11. Blue face hen down on 16 eggs....... To the red bomber!...
  12. Now...... OTT I'm now talking about some rodeland red...... I'm talking about a good onast brood cock...... I'm talking about the tape of hen that no matter Witch one of your brood cocks you breed her to she will produce above average stags......
  13. I doubt it would do them any harm Dtd as you say if mixed with regular feed........ Varity is key mate and judge bye your fowl........ Sure ant!.. UK
  14. Never been one for feed gamefowl on wheat not anuff nutrition in for me...... Like trying to feed swimmer on bread...... Jmo uk
  15. Well fellas I after disagree give me a golden hen any day........ You may go a life time and only come a cross one or tow....... But when do you will know...... As now matter what you breeder her to will be first class!... Uk
  16. . Dust till dawn...... Everyone of my birds have body's as hard as granit...... And it's not what i feed them!.... They got from the brood pen mate..... The feed just helps them maintain it that's all........ Uk
  17. Well I don't think you undstand the qwestion correctly...... Yes to be successful you bred from a proven hen and cock...... But the qwestion. Who passes on higher percentage of the genes to offspring the cock or hen?....... Uk
  18. I buy it from the pet shop £6.50 I some time sunfowl hearts aswell...... They help keep a shine on there feathers...... But number 1 feed for me is and always will be...... Fresh green grass....... Uk
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