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Everything posted by Ukroosterman

  1. Cheers leey... And yes in 9 days... Same cross.. Uk
  2. Will keep everyone update on how they progress.... Uk
  3. Blue face hen and chicks....... Sired bye the red bomber hight hopes for theses... Youngsters!
  4. He keeps going on about chicken thefts..... He stole he's best freineds wife!! The dirty littel slime ball!
  5. that sounds like a veiled threat there Duckwing didn't have you down as a grass !. Beleive that would nothink for jimmy he as done much worse in he's time..... Uk
  6. Jimmy it's obvious bye your post you still don't ave a clue....... Who we are..... U got one name from a photo I posted..... A man who as give more birds away then you ave ever ownd..... A man who you spread a million lie about because you a jelloise littel fat peice of corpution..... Don't worrie jimmy your photo is going up next.... Just so green horns no who stay a way from..... Uk
  7. Jimmy dykeshitter is bad anuff but dyke shitter pretending not to be a dykeshitter is realy up to no good...... Uk
  8. Probley killed em off..... Wasn't much good anyways..... Last I heard he bred some silkie blood into them..... Got muddled up puting eggs under a broody.... Or somethink like that...... Shame realy...... Uk
  9. I will also keep an eye out db mate..... They won't there hands chopping off.... Uk
  10. For f@@k sack here we go angain!..... Round heads with straite combs now....
  11. Once again ott you've kicked the ball out the park...... And them stags are comeing on bye the day..... I would say there is gonna be a few sleepless nights among the members of the red rose club!... Forsure!.... ATB ukroosterman
  12. this my work on a rare ocassin but it fail most of time.... Not a good method.... In my onast opinion.... Ukroosterman
  13. Just drop him in with your hen for a hour every day and block up the nest while he's in there.... ATB uk
  14. Yes mate looks as if she's been in sqoble with another hen.... Wash head and face with warm water for next couple of days and check in side her beak for signs of canker!.... Good luck .. Uk
  15. Hi mate wish the best with her...... Got a couple down me self one should be comeing off tomorrow........ Jus don't count yh chickens befor they hatch..... Uk
  16. Nice that Joe!.... Need to get you to build me some..... All you need now is some good birds lol.... Uk
  17. . Hahaha your hard case ott you've give me pain in the side from laugthing
  18. Would after second that one...... Tweed cap..... Uk
  19. no probs tweed cap it's good to look back on the old times..... Uk
  20. An old freined in the states with john sears...... RIP
  21. Yep they was days fellas....... But still more come boys don't worrie..... Uk
  22. I Beleive there the Mexican stly..... Uk
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