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Everything posted by bigdogyorkshire

  1. There f****d now without fergie he got moyes in so nobody could get the success he did
  2. I will love it love it if we beat them .- king kevin keegan 1996
  3. Exactly pal only 1 united newcastle united
  4. And your point is ? Thia similar to geore groves decision
  5. Max you scored a lucky goal at the stadium xof shite get over yourself pal your derby next year will be with boro
  6. Hea a gobshite always ran it of about calzaghe .froch couldnt lace joes boots
  7. Relic half these filth dont no the difference wirh a rabbit and a hare clueless country cops
  8. Does anyone else think that the above has gone they have won this n that for years now there just a average premier league team back to reality for the hinki and asian glory fans and the rest of he plazzys your just a wee club in Manchester now haha
  9. Max mind he gap you dummy spurs will turn you over
  10. I was hoping Yorkshires danny price would do something had 10 unbeaten and supposedly retired now
  11. Hes a has been now im afraid hes a coward we all no he wont fight ward again its all hype to evade a groves rematch
  12. Shearer Ginola andy cole faustino asprilla peter Beardsley gazza
  13. Pussy lost his arse after watching the footage
  14. They make the rules ip as thy go alo g
  15. Does anyone se follow this guy on Facebook or twitter ot youtube ? Quite entertaining I jm honest
  16. There's two teams in the northeast nufc and nufc reserves
  17. Glen foot will win some title that I garuntee you all of .they dont call him the hammer for nothing trust me
  18. Spray them out wiht poundland paint if your in a dog bus looks like a proffesional job from the outside hah
  19. Tresspass is a civil matter aswell
  20. I haven't been seeing many at all round here .have not drawn a blank on nights yet either
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