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Everything posted by connerdaboss

  1. Got a lab x beddy whippet here about 21/22 tts, 17 months old. Hasn't seen any real work just mooching about really. Sire is a working gundog lab, not sure about dam but she's 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy. She's very biddable and predictable. I can read her like a book and she's obedient when she wants to be, she's usually only disobedient if she hasn't been out much that day. I walk her off lead without any fuss, won't bother another dog across the road etc. But I have one massive problem with her and stealing other dogs tennis balls. But I've pretty much stopped this now and she has a
  2. Why do some gundog trainers 'break' dogs? Why don't they just try harder or find a replacement?
  3. You tried whistling then running away? Worked for me lol
  4. Hi I have a lab mix not sure if is with lurcher or greyhound, looks like greyhound tho. How old mate?
  5. It depends how hard the ground is, the plough near me is soft as shite at the min but wouldn't risk it if the ground was hard
  6. My lurcher is mad for squirrels, doesn't matter where they're hiding she'll find them and stay at the tree until I get her away lol. Hopefully gonna get a catty soon to knock them down for her
  7. Why don't you hunt kangaroo or wombat?
  8. Not exactly a 3/4 bred but got a beddywhippet x lab here and she can shift now she's fit, faster then mates half cross collies and bull crosses and Shes got stamina to match
  9. Sounds a good cross, wouldn't mind seeing how these turn out Atb
  10. I've been trying to get a ferret for months but my parents keep saying no and I've got nowhere to keep it, I don't have a garden or anything
  11. No not really, she sniffs the odd one tho. She likes following trails in long grass and knows when it's not being used. If there's nothing there she either doesn't follow the trail or comes back after following it abit
  12. I don't even get up that early for school! Never even seen a Fox round my way, would probably try my bitch on one when She's got the hang of bunnies
  13. Cheers pal, bit late really as I was gonna go out at 7.30 but lied in bit lol
  14. Mine just turned 12months on the 9th, beddy/whippet x lab. He should be old enough pal, only show him a few to start with. Stand in between the rabbits and where they will be heading, with the wind in you face. just holding mine back to get her fitter and work on recall as shes a nightmare at time lol. Atb with him
  15. It happened to my pup when she was about 7/8months, and is happening again but not as bad at 12month's. So frustrating cos shes not too keen on treats and is a nightmare if somethings got away from her.
  16. Oh and to the mods, I tried calling her off numerous times and didn't slip her on it, she was already Off the lead.
  17. Got up and out for about 9:30 today with the dog which up until now, couldn't catch a cold. Walked a few miles to a small wood and had a mooch for an hour or so and every now and then saw a load of rabbits bolting everywhere and my bitch running round like a loon being miserable slower then all the rabbits in the area.. I was thinking she's got slower since she's lost weight, just couldn't get my head round it so decided to head home. On the way I popped into a large field of wheat stubble, looked around and nothing was about. Anyway I was playing running with her and then feet in fro
  18. I know a lass with a whippet and it plays with her pet rabbit,guinea pigs and 2kittens! Even sleeps with the kittens
  19. What time was the first pic taken Looks light out
  20. Make a photobucket account and put your pics on there, then you can post pictures
  21. Yep. In dog fighting 3 wins makes a champion, 5 wins makes a grand champion, and 10 makes a double grand champion. I don't fight dogs by the way. I just try to keep connections with guys who do so I can get some dogs from them for hunting. The fighting bred pit bulls are usually smaller, and MUCH more quick and athletic than the "pet bulls" you can find just about anywhere. Also, as expected, the fighting bred dogs are FAR more game and have MUCH more drive than any "pet bull" alive! Game bred dogs are really hard to find, and unless you have connections they are in the thousands of d
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