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Everything posted by foggy11

  1. Cheers mate.. I know what you mean, I don't really like doing it myself but did not have much choice really I just hope I don't get my fingers burnt! like I said I will keep you chaps posted on my progress..
  2. Thanks hoggy it was a tuff one to be fair as the rotex is such a good package and from new too! But I see this one come up and thought I would go with a tried and proven recipe and for a little less money, well before I dump that synthetic stock and replace with a chunk of Thumbholed walnut I really do like that rotex and much prefer the look of the bolt action but think I will leave it for a while to see how it's still performing for you guy's a bit further down the line! Hoggy can I just ask as you have been using yours for some time, do you still think it was as good as when you b
  3. Thanks buddy Thats my plan, long as the metal work is all good its worth doing! looked ok in the pictures but im not expecting mint for £280 but if I can turn something out of it I will
  4. Ok well just a little update guys.. I decided to go for the regulated .177 synthetic stock Daystate X2 with simmons 3-9x44 Scope, 10 shot magazine, single shot tray and fill adapter and have now transferred £280 into the fellas account. Seems like a good deal too me from what you guys have said but im not to up on my Daystates to be honest!! Anyways if all turns out well I will be losing the synthetic stock and fitting her up with a nice custom thumbhole chunk of walnut and giving some TLC treatment If I can find out how to post pictures up I will do some before and after pictur
  5. Hi Guys Has anyone got any expirence of the Daystate X2 .177? Ive never really heared of them before are they anygood or avoid? Any help would be greatThanks Chaps
  6. Hi Guys Has anyone got any expirence of the Daystate X2 .177? Ive never really heared of them before are they anygood or avoid? Any help would be great Thanks Chaps..
  7. Ok thanks buddy i will do a search for the night vision forum and have a little look on here.. just really want a good little set up to go on my BSA R10 that works well that aint going to cost the earth..
  8. Hi guys I need a little advice on a night vision set up! I was looking at some today but they are all about £450 plus and thats a little steep for me so was looking into making my own up with a video camera.. has anyone of you helpful chaps got any good advice and help on this matter? I only need it to be as far as say 100yrds tops as its for a air rifle! Thanks for reading my post folks..
  9. Your right Matt Thanks buddy for your input and help i will do what i have to do..
  10. First things first.. like the profile picture frontbum I would love the sport but as you guys have said.. im more conserned for the dogs safety to be honest.. do you guys really think there is a infestation? I did think it was bad seeing them in the day light!
  11. Hi guys Ive got a bit of a question.. a family member called me to say they had seen a few rats in the back garden so i went round to have a look being a keen air rifle man anyways the garden is pretty stripped out so no shed and all that just some bushes and a worn fence so no where really to hide. There are two apple trees that dropped loads of apples last year and think thats what they have been after as well as other peoples bird feeders etc in their gardens. I looked around the garden and see afew dug holes under the fence and all that so come back in the morning with the .177 R1
  12. Thanks nutmeg I have seng you a pm buddy..
  13. Thanks for the reply buddy I have sent you a pm, let me know what you think..
  14. Hi everyone Ok i will cut to the chase /shucks 2/ im looking for a BSA R10 any mk for a low price so if you or anyone you know wants rid of one just pm me and i will get back to you! Even guns with faults considered.. Thanks folks.
  15. ok thanks guys i will have a little lookie..
  16. Good evening all.. Can anyone tell me how to post up a photo on my profile.. im tugging my hair out here folks Thanks for reading my post..
  17. BSA R10 .177 or .22

  18. Mmmmm now there is a question I guess from what i can gather it really is just a personal thing chaps.. as im a bit wet behind me lug holes at the moment im just absorbing as much info from you seasoned shooters out there before i bite the bullet so to speak and buy the r10 in one or the other calibre cant aford to drop a clanger Kinda want me pellet to go where i put me cross hairs with out to much of the hold over, hold under thingy at the mo as im still learning
  19. Cheers for the replys chaps I know it is a hard one!! There is always for and not so for on this matter i have only ever owned .22 in pro sport and a classic old hw 50 and am always a little unsure of .177.. i have seen si pittaway do really great things with both calibre but his i little bit of a better shot than me I guess in my mind i always think of .177 being less powerful than .22 please correct me if im wrong.. im just getting back into the sport so as much advise would be great thanks buddys
  20. Good evening guys Ok i need a little advise form you clued up folks im going to be on the look out for a r10 in the new year i will be getting it blue printed but my only head scratcher is .177 or .22?? Im looking for a good all rounder really for paper targets, ratting and some field work.. something accurate and hard hitting! Any help would be great thanks guys Foggy
  21. Thanks for the welcome guys.. Just got in from work so thought i would jump on here
  22. Good evening to all you folks out there Ive been watching si pittaway on youtube and he has said about this forum a few times so thought i would join up and see whats what Im quite new to the whole air gun world, i did some shooting with my dear old dad when i was a lad and now at 36 am getting back into it got myself a pro sport a few months back and will be after a pcp next year!! Really enjoying watching si pittaways vids, dont know if you see this mate but a big well done on all of them they are a good source of knowledge and enjoyable buddy.. Look forward to good chats w
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