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About yeoldhunter

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. All in good time my friend, I know you cant wait to give me some more nice comments lol!
  2. So what did you expect from this cross then Newbie? I have kept the two lightest framed bitches out of 7 pups its called selection, there was one or two that looked like a pure Caucasian so I gave them to a friends as guard dogs! I will post some pics when I get a min of my Caucasians and some up to date pics of the pups, but you are more than welcome to come see them in the flesh and tell me if you think they are pure or not. where up North are you from? Do you have COs of your own? as you seem to know a lot about them!
  3. Ok I will have a £1000 or more with anyone who wants to put their money where their mouth is that these are Caucasian xs. lets meet up and have a DNA test which I am happy to pay for if I am fibbing! I am taking this a compliment because they are racier than you all expected! I must admit I am surprised too, although I obviously kept the finest ones.
  4. Type Russian Bear dog in google and they come up that was all I meant, maybe because they are big and fluffy a bit like a bear! So you have seen Caucasian X greyhounds before and they don't look like these, so what do they look like then and pics?
  5. these bitch pups are about16-17 weeks in this pic, they are 7months now.
  6. Thanks! I think its a little harsh referring to me as a c"nt, so do Pit x greyhounds hunt other dogs? Collie Xs round up sheep? I agree its an off the wall cross but that was the whole point! No hard feelings mate, it all makes for a good debate. Thanks YOP.
  7. My father and I imported a Large working type Caucasian ovtcharka male from Russia which we crossed on a quality greyhound bitch. We wondered if anyone else had seen this combination before?
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