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Everything posted by Patterdale67

  1. If you don't want to pay vets prices, you can buy your wormers from a pharmacist. They are licenced to sell veterinary drugs of the POM-VPS catergory (which wormers fall into). If you have a friendly local pharmacist, you may be lucky enough to get them cost price if you buy in bulk. Hope this helps.
  2. Hi Everyone, Although having had terriers for some years now, I find myself in an ideal position to work them. We are living on an arable farm and the land owner is more than happy for our dogs to help keep the rat & rabbit population down. My dogs, 2 patterdale bitches (7yrs & 12 months) and a JRT dog (5 yrs) already do a fair job of dispatchng the little critters on walks and around the garden, but I'd like to do it in a more puposeful way rather than just as and when. Is this worth trying or should I just let them carry on as they are?
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