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About 1stjackterrier

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Has anyone else has issue's with there profile pik on here. mine had just removed itself somehow! an its a right pain to get back on for some reason. just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar??

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Profile pic', or avatar?


    2. paulus


      the profile pic i can see next to your username lol

  2. looking for anyone who works terriers down South
  3. looking for anyone who works terriers down South

  4. looking for anyone who works terriers down South

    1. rogue with a running dog

      rogue with a running dog

      yes I do and im in Essex mate

    2. pip1968


      brian plummer lol

    3. 1stjackterrier


      Im In Winchester bud, so its a little bit far, I have a young JR Terrier and im keen to find a group to take him out with. How do you find terriers once they have started Ratting Etc? as in does it ever change their temperament in the house etc? he`s very well behaved with kids.


      Who`s Brian Plummer??

  5. Why is it so hard to upload pictures onto this site??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. R.A.W


      It took me a while put it's easy when it clickes

    3. paulus


      if i can do it theres hope for everyone...lol

    4. .WARREN.
  6. Briliant picture you have there, I have a young jack, looking forward to him catching a rabbit, so when you say yours "picked a rabbit up" was he digging it out or chased it down?
  7. I Have a young Jack Terrier, I bought from a farm near Winchester, and I really want to get him involved in some ratting. So im looking around for anyone who does any.
  8. Thanks a lot Tyla, Much appreciated, Im sure he's gona be a great little worker, he just needs showing the way I think by some older dogs. Hmm p.m you no worries but im not sure how to yet with this site as I try clicking on profile pages and it doesn't let me access them. Perhaps its because im a new member? Any ideas?
  9. I Have a young Jack Terrier, I bought from a farm near Winchester, and I really want to get him involved in some ratting. So im looking for anyone around who does some an wouldn't mind me coming along some time.
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