i heerd from the grapevine that some top dogs in iceys comp last year how did you go in dat comp banteri didnt enter id nothing to beat caps bitch think it was the same for the rest them that why there was no finalyeah i heerd dat 3 year old botch run wellIt was first and second seasons dogs last season was her second season she not 3 yet heerd you talking about it in sligo pubs cap i mite be small but i ave bigearsLol ha ha bullshiter this her 3rd season last season was her second season edmond r bred her I am sure he would know you want his num ring him and see If I telling the truth,Icey co
i heerd from the grapevine that some top dogs in iceys comp last year how did you go in dat comp banter
i didnt enter id nothing to beat caps bitch think it was the same for the rest them that why there was no finalyeah i heerd dat 3 year old botch run wellIt was first and second seasons dogs last season was her second season she not 3 yet heerd you talking about it in sligo pubs cap i mite be small but i ave bigears
i heerd from the grapevine that some top dogs in iceys comp last year how did you go in dat comp banter
i didnt enter id nothing to beat caps bitch think it was the same for the rest them that why there was no finalyeah i heerd dat 3 year old botch run well
yes brendy,sport was a good game dog,he was bred an came out of england,kerso got him of me many years ago.
TK ave you anyting forsale
have you tried gumtree who he banter