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Everything posted by gurnster75

  1. The 99s is available around the £200 mark new, its full power but lightweight. I would also recommend the xs19 or xs20, yes they're chinese but they're a good copy of the HW options and respond well to a strip and lube.
  2. Where did you get it done mate, I'm in Blyth and thinking about getting a new tat. Cheers.
  3. It only takes 1 battery so it must be a mark 1, I bought it thinking it was a mk 1 but wouldn't have known either way, so thanks.
  4. Surely you could put the bolt (and welded joint) at a place where its not near your hands?
  5. The welding puts this outwith my capabilities. lol!
  6. Any pics mate, to get my creative juices flowing.
  7. If for what ever reason it was unpractical to carry a full size spade, and I know they often fold when you don't want them to. What would be the folding spade of choice?
  8. Cheers mate, I take it you turn it over rather than remove it so you don't lose it?
  9. Just a quick question about the mk1 collar as I've just bought one. Do you remove the battery from the collar when its not in use, unscrew it a few threads or just leave it as it is? Cheers
  10. Nice haul, but you seem to have a bit of sh*t on you box lol.
  11. My other half would never consider even touching one of my rabbits never mind coming out with me. In the past when I've brought rabbits home she's been stood on guard with the antiseptic spray while I wash them in the sink, watching like a hawk for any splashes or me touching anything lol.
  12. After reading this thread I've ordered Ferretting by Bob Smithson for £0.01 plus £2. postage used in good condition from amazon. At that price it's a cheap read no matter how up to date it is.
  13. I've never heard of the implant, how much does that set you back, it cost me £60 per Jill to get them speyed. My mate didn't do anything with his jills, don't know if this was right, whether he was just lucky? Since my daughter owns ours and they're not going to be bred from in the future I just played safe and had them done. Non ferreters don't understand paying £60 to Spey a £10 ferret but that's what you do for your pets if that's what they need. Out of interest what the going rate to borrow someones snipped hob?
  14. I just wondered who doesn't bother getting their jills speyed. I (well daughter) have 2 that have both been done, I've only had a hob in the past but my mates had loads of jills and never bothered getting them done and they were fine. Is it a myth, has anyone had first hand experience of a Jill becoming unwell due to not coming out of season?
  15. Hi, I'm new here, I'm a keen air rifle shooter and I currently have a couple of ferrets. Well actually that's not true, my daughter owns the ferrets but that's just a technicality. I used to do a bit of Ferreting when I lived in scotland and I've just bought a mk1 finder this week as I'm looking to do a bit here in Northumberland. I'll be on the lookout for some purse nets in the classifieds. Anyway that's me, hello.
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