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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Same. Get the fcuk out of it, put it behind you and get on with the rest of your life.
  2. You will have a great time Had a cracking weekend. I even passed the watermill you posted a picture of on the way up to Wayford Bridge/Dilham. 'Bagged up' on roach whilst moored just the other side of the bridge..., although next time I go I'll need to make sure that the coarse season is actually open If I'd have been a bit better organised think I'd have spent a few of my nights mooring up the broads a bit, not with all the other boats but somewhere quiet. Some of the scenery is stunning.., some of the houses too, and what I'd associate with some very best that England has to off
  3. got to be gnash Count me out of that i just like to have a little natter i dont want any authority.......its a job for a responsible adult anyway Ah come on, you'd have the pleasure and privilege of reading ALL the posts made by the THL boxing experts. Think of what you might learn...
  4. Only thing I really know of him is he became famous knocking out guys, many of which couldn't actually fight, and posting videos on Youtube. This sort of thing... As I understand, once he got into organised events he proved to be no great shakes. Maybe if he'd steeped his hands in peterel....
  5. Only people responsible for raping the girl are the animals who raped her. Young people have always gone out and got smashed, and always will. Clubs can't be expected to look after everyone who might have drunk too much. What we need is real deterrents for this sort of sex crime.., long stretch plus surgical castration.
  6. Sport loves it's heroes and icons and we've just lost the greatest there ever was, and maybe ever will be again. Whether he was the greatest boxer of them all, that's for another debate.... RIP Champ ?
  7. Murray's a top player who in any other era would have won a few more slams than he has. To put Sunday's defeat into perspective.., he lost to a man who will probably finish his career as the most succesful tennis player EVER.., but a guy who has only won one French open such is the level of competition. I don't think he enjoys the media side of things and comes across as droll. Quite a few folk have said he's different away from the courtside and actually a good laugh. IMO Murray is a credit to British sport, but I guess he's not everyone's cup of tea. Doubt he loses sleep over it mind.
  8. All these English seaside resorts seem to have gone the same way. They're full of society's waifs, strays and general detritus. Was in Great Yarmouth on Saturday night - shithole is about the only adjective that does it justice. Shame really but who do you blame?
  9. As has been pointed out, the format is totally different. As an example, take the recent Khan v Canelo fight. If it was fought in the amatuer format Khan would likely have prevailed..., whereas we all know how it ended. So who's the better boxer?
  10. Football teams were all pros I thought.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics__Men%27s_team_squads For some sports the olympics holds a huge amount of prestige and will be the pinnacle of achievement but for other sports like football, tennis, golf, boxing etc. it's never going to be so, for me at least, those sports shouldn't even be in the olympics.
  11. Leave things as they are.., no pros at the olympics. You'd never get all the top pros there anyway, so I it would wind up being neither one thing or the other. Haven't looked into it at all but it just looks like another money grabber by the IOC. I'd also guess that boxers are tied into promotions contracts, with potential for the top fighters to earn vast purses. I would doubt they'd see anywhere near that fighting the same opponents at the olympics. Non starter for me, and hopefully common sense will prevail and they don't go breaking something that it seems to me works well.
  12. I still talk about 'taping' things off TV on Sky+.
  13. Yeah I get all that...., but it was holding his handypoos?
  14. THL..., it's where you can find experts on anything & everyhing??
  15. Must confess that when I think of WWI I usually only think of the land battle in the trenches and the huge losses of life at the likes of the Somme. I usually associate sea & air battles more with the second war. Forget the huge losses the naval & merchant fleets suffered. Jutland must have been a horrendous event and a terrible way to go.
  16. You're nothing but a bully ?
  17. Pele is to auction off his three world cup winners medals and all the little trinkets and artefacts he'd collected as a player. The item expected to raise the most is a one off Jules Rimet replica given to him after the 1970 finals. It's expected to fetch between £281000 & £420000. To put it into perspective, that's the crown jewel of one of the best & most esteemed men ever to play the game, available to buy for a couple of weeks wages of the average Premiership player.., who couldn't lace Pele's boots. How times change️ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36341546
  18. c**ts that can't take a joke it's 100% ??
  19. Think with mackems it's nearer 99% ?
  20. Watched about 10 minutes of it. Same old shoite but with naffer scripts and worse presenters. Won't be watching again.
  21. All the bleeding hearts are on this now I see; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36410841 Apparently the gorilla wasn't going to harm the boy.., it just dragged him around like a rag doll for 10 minutes to 'protect him from the screaming crowd'? FFS.., more bullets please???
  22. If you're going to make a business out of displaying dangerous, or potentially dangerous animals to Joe public then you have to take responsibility for the public's protection. That means you have to legislate for the most brainless fcuktard parents that are out there (and there are plenty) or else vet your visitors. You can't just point to the signs and say 'well it's not our fault, we told you he was dangerous'.If it was me I'd like to think I'd have had a better eye on my kids, but accidents do happen.
  23. That gorilla could have popped the child's head off like a champagne cork at any second, shooting it was the only option. Shame that such a magnificent animal had to die.., but rather a monkey than a child for me. And as for responsibilty.., it's the zoo 100%
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