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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. The Fury threads are finished now as Tyson's No.1 fan Cushtyjook has finally seen the light and switched his allegiance to AJ. He's apparently even taken to calling everyone 'bruv' now. The muslims are still here, although we're still waiting for ISIS. And some of their fiercest critics have been quiet. I reckon that they've either converted.., or DB has taken them offline.., maybe both. In reality, things should be getting back to 'normal' in a week or so once the EU vote has passed. In or out, we'll all still be here, and all still whinging about something or other. Roll on next
  2. England unconvincing. Need to improve dramatically if they're to have any chance of winning the tournament. I do think that playing better sides than Slovakia & Russia might suit them though. Go on Wales. Can't ask for much more. A bit of luck & a bang in form Bale and who knows where they could go.
  3. There's hope for us all...
  4. I liked Frankie Boyle's tweet yesterday; "Fathers, remember that you don't have to be the perfect example to your children. You can also function as a sort of hideous warning". That sounds more like me..?
  5. I love when mine get assignments about local & natural history stuff. I try to get out & about with them and getting them learning about things anyway, but it's a nice wee bonus when it's for part of their school education. They do get some sh!t too though. Thursday night (whilst getting ready for bed) my eldest announced she'd forgotten to let us know about one assignment.., she needed to make a (69cm long no less) Olympic torch out of bits of paper stuck together, that when you twisted it, displayed all the olympic colours.., and it was due in Friday morning!!! Me a the missus spent
  6. Do you talk about anything else? You must be a right fcukin laugh down the pub.
  7. thats it blame the hunting life annunaki now it was their fault they are the deeeeeeemons, I can't believe you sometimes there's a we click on the left in here all the sameLighten up ya fanny!
  8. "There are reports he had a history of mental health issues and that as a young man, he may have had sympathy for far-right groups". Sounds like a few people on here. He wasn't a THL member was he?
  9. My lad gets a free lunch. He has a cheese baguette and a cookie every single day without fail. He eats well at home and is healthy mind so not too worried.
  10. You think that what's needed is more slaughtering of the democratically elected MPs and mothers of young children? What a cowardly and cretinous individual you are trying to justify this killing. And as for any impact this murder will have on the euro referendum, I doubt it'll bring a single extra 'out' vote.., but it will probably motivate a few of the more apathetic 'remain' voters to get off their arses and to go out and vote.
  11. The BBC aren't. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36552367
  12. Given that the Brexit campaign is centred around concerns over immigration, if it's a leave vote , then surely the government, and all political parties have to sit up and take note.
  13. I want to see all the home nations do well, and I'm Scottish. And I don't feel inferior to any nation. You do talk some shit.
  14. maybe he thinks England should get points deducted for tearing up the port area and attacking the police for two days before they got a hiding off the Russians Where you had that from mate ?......i aint got eyes in the back of my nut but i didnt see or hear anything like that......from the minute we checked in we was getting told about attacks from local French/Africans etc.......our fans aint whiter than white i know that but on this occasion i dont think our lot did anything that wasnt started by others.... in the main. All over the main & sports media from Friday morning (repor
  15. Thought you might like it. After all, it could have been you in that club you big gay b*****d
  16. It probably took longer to paint than Ireland will be in the competition And..., no need to point it out, I know Scotland didn't even get there. I've had my blue and white paint in the garage since '98. One day though...
  17. Is this the same guy that was getting his knickers in a right old twist calling for lifetime bans etc when a few West Ham fans threw some bottles at a coach? I thought you were a pacifist max Think it was point deductions..., maybe he thinks England should get points deducted for tearing up the port area and attacking the police for two days before they got a hiding off the Russians? You do talk some shite Max.
  18. I haven't seen any posts where people have tried to defend the Islamic faith. Why would they have to. The cnut that done this wasn't representing muslims..., he claimed to be representing an organisation (ISIS) that's killed far more muslims than it's killed all other faiths put together. And no-one has tried to defend the killer, or ISIS. Equally I don't hear anyone lamenting the death of thousands of innocent men, women & children to the same terrorist organisation in countries who don't want them there..., and who don't even consider ISIS to be muslims. It's also looking like he ac
  19. Another pure poisonous THL thread. Can't believe some of the comments, some appearing almost to condone this cnuts actions. Seems these muslims are the scourge of the earth and a deadly threat to us all.., except if they're murdering gays, then they're not all that bad?? Same as the paedo thread last week.., the punishment for Rotherham grooming gangs should be the expulsion of all the UK's muslims to a country far enough away that we can nuke them all.., but if you're a white kid and rape 200 Malaysian kids from the age of 6m old, as far as THL is concerned, you as good as get off with it.
  20. Maybe you should go and join ISIS, sounds like you'd fit in better over there you share so many of their views on women and gays I've always said Christian fundamentalists have more in common with their Islamic counterparts than they do the rest of civilised society Well said..., you big gay b*****d
  21. FBI said he may have had leanings towards Islamic extremism but "other officials" want to hush that part up. His father said it was nothing to do with extremism. How would he know what the dead bloke's motives were? Might not be hushed up for long..."NBC News is quoting sources as saying that the suspected attacker called 911 moments before shooting and pledged allegiance to leader of the so-called Islamic State".
  22. Why no apples? Circle of life and all that. What a great way to pay tribute to a good mutt.
  23. Thought England played well. On another day they might have taken another chance or two. Think they'll qualify okay on that form, and I think Vardy will get his chance once England play a team that want to attack them and maybe leave space behind for JV to do what he does best. Frankie Boyle on England's performance; "Surprisingly poor finishing from a nation where most people can hit a French copper with a plastic chair from about 30 yards". He's got it about right ??
  24. It's not mate, not in any way.Yes it is No it's not Oh I think so bud Oh I think not my friend
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