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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Absolute garbage. Bunch of f**kwits filming another bunch of f**kwits. A pathetic attempt by Penny Woolcock to make a film about something underground & edgy, and something that the vast majority of normal people find totally unnacceptable, and winding up with with something pretty disjointed and contrived looking. Maybe these idiots aren't 'old school' or 'genuine pit-men' or whatever, but the fact is they are breeding and pitting these dogs, so are at least on the spectrum of scum involved in dog fighting. The fact that so many were willing to be filmed makes me think that they've ei
  2. Been a couple of times & stayed in Puerto Rico both times. Last time was about 4 years ago and I thought it was looking a bit tired. It's also on a hill which is fine if you're near the bottom but you'll end up using taxis up & down if you stay at the top. Think Puerto de Mogan along the coast from Purto Rico has been developed recently and might be worth a look! I looked at Gran Canaria last year but ended up going to Tenerife... Playa de las Americas. Hadn't been for years and was impressed at how it's changed. Felt like there was much more to do also.
  3. Looks like a bargain Might have trouble finding where you'd parked it though
  4. A couple arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of killing their 15-year-old daughter with acid say they carried out the attack because she looked at a boy. The girl's father told the BBC that they feared she would bring dishonour on their family. Her mother said it was her "destiny" to die that way. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20202686 Thankfully the family's honour has now been restored. The girl had apparently looked twice at a boy... just what would the neighbours think! This is so far removed from everything I know that I can't really find words to describe what I think ab
  5. Always love watching Spring/Autumn watch. Some great filming and some magical insights into animal behaviour. Huge respect for the skill, patience & dedication of the cameramen & women. The only drawback is having to listen to Packham, Strachan and that other fanny...and Oddie & Humble before them. Taken to Sky +ing it now so I can FF past all the p!sh talking. Maybe I'll write to Points of View & suggest a bit of a shake up of the presenters. Was thinking maybe Frankie Boyle & Kelly Brook on the couch..., with maybe Chris Kamara as the roving presenter..., and with occasi
  6. Cracking looking dog that and some fantastic photos....especially the ones where the dog is shifting. I'd need to stay out for about a week to get half a dozen photos as good as them.
  7. Not sure if this one counts as it's a documentary film but... Touching the Void. Amazing story of survival which I'd totally recommend. Think you can watch it on youtoob! Edited to add a link to watch it http://putlocker.bz/watch-touching-the-void-online-free-putlocker.html Can't find it on youtube for all the shite parodies & snide links
  8. Cannot wait for this one! Majority of posts so far have gone with Froch. The bookies still have Froch the favourite. Thankfully I bet Froch last time..., but this time I'm going to go with Groves. Groves is talking about stopping Froch in 3..., I don't think he's any intention of trying to stop him in three. Groves has the style, speed & power to dominate Froch and keep him at a distance that'll suit him.., and see him win rounds. Can't see what Froch can bring that'll negate this, so I expect Groves to outbox Froch all night and win on points. Groves downfall last time was he got
  9. Rangers, Hearts & now Hibs in the Scottish championship next year. What a fcukin state we're in!!!
  10. Bought sandpaper out one of these cheapy shops once thinking 'a pound odds for 10 sheets..., surely you can't go wrong with that'. Used it to key a bit of gloss work and the sand literally fell off the the instant I started rubbing with it. I was left holding just a piece of brown fcukin paper!!! The tapes they sell...masking, PCV, duct etc. have a lot less on the roll as well. You might find the odd bit of value for your money in these shops but in general it's sh!te. It's got be cheap for a reason, and the reason is that it's junk.
  11. Trainspotting!!! “You f#cking knew that f#cking c#nt would f#ck some c#nt.”
  12. Platoon....quality....also narrated
  13. Lennon has been living in Scotland for about 14 years and I don't think I've ever heard (or read of) him saying anything about religion or the 1700s. I'd be really interested to read what he's had to say on either so would appreciate if you could post any actual quotes or links to what he's said so I can work out what he's said that's offended you so much. If you can't or won't, I'll be forced to conclude that you're hatred of Lennon is more to do with your own bitter & warped perception of what he represents, rather than anything Lennon actually is, or has done. He has on occassion s
  14. These cnuts have a totally different mindset when it comes to fishing...especially 'wild' fishing..., or at least where they might not pay a premium to fish and stocks aren't replenished. Most I know would maybe take the odd trout for the pot but coarse fish would almost always go back. These fcuckers will knock anything & everything on the head regardless of size or species. For years I fished a local loch with a good head of pike where you'd be guaranteed a dozen or so fish in a day with the chance of a good double or two in among them. Then the Poles turned up and you'd walk round this
  15. There's a want about this cnut...., plain and simple. This guy is a coward that has probably had his balls booted loads of times and takes his inadequacies out on animals that can't fight back. It's not that it's cruel..., it's fcuking pathetic.
  16. I for one will be sad to see him go. Thought he was an articulate guy who wouldn't just trot out the usual cliches and soundbites for the media but would usually give an honest and considered account of his team's performance. He was a good representative for Celtic FC. His record on the park, given all the circumstances, has been reasonable on the whole, but nothing exceptional... apart maybe from the win against Barca. I think there are plenty managers out there who could do as good a job for the same money. I can understand and am not surprised by him leaving though, and do think that a
  17. Can't really understand why you've done this Fireman. If people want to call the guy a hero then big deal. Why would you want to dig them up for it? When Stephen Sutton died his mother described him as "courageous, selfless & inspirational", these were words echoed over & over again by the people who'd met him, or had followed & knew him through social media. I think those three words would just about define a hero! In an age where some people describe the likes of David Beckham and Jordan as their heroes, I can't see why you've taken issue with this guy...and I've read your atte
  18. Donations are still being made in his name and will go over 4 million. What a great legacy and by no means the only mark he'll leave on this earth. An inspiration, and most would say hero, to millions! Stephen Sutton R.I.P.
  19. I've been thinking along the same lines...kids are at the perfect age for camping/caravanning holidays. Done a wee bit of camping with them now but my missus can't handle the sleeping in a tent bit for more than a day or two, but has stated that she'd love a go in a campervan. Trouble is they don't come cheap and I would like the comfort of knowing that if I bought one that we'd actually use the thing regularly and get our moneys worth. Might have a go at hiring one later this year and getting away for a few days. Hiring isn't cheap either, but cheaper & preferable to buying one and watchi
  20. The pictures say it all really Wonder how many poor unsuspecting folk in the North Yorks area had absent mindedly stuck a quid or two in her tin thinking they were doing an animal a good turn...and in some way actually contributed to this fcukin abomination. Assuming 'EARS' is a registered charity and are taking money in the street/shops/pubs from Joe public ..., is there no requirement to demonstrate to someone, somewhere, that you actually are what you say you are, and are doing what you say you're doing???? Stories like this will make some people think twice about putting their
  21. I can't tell from this 30 second clip what the old guy's intentions were, and I'd reserve any judgement until I could hear what he had to say to the child's mother and understand the context of what he's done. The mother didn't seem to be overly concerned by his actions....like her reaction wasn't one of a parent who'd just spotted their child being abducted! For me the old cnut is innocent until proven otherwise. Some have also commented on the mother's lack of attention to the kid. She must've taken her eyes off it for all of about two seconds FFS!!! Call social services!?!?!? When
  22. Very nice photos. Love the sparrowhawk. Was dying to get the camera out this morning but it's pissing down and I can't be arsed with trying to keep it dry....maybe tomorrow.
  23. Cracking looking dog, like that type a lot
  24. Oh to be that young and fearless (stupid) again!!!
  25. A wee hill (638m) near me that I've been up with the pup 7 times in the last four weekends...trying to get 'hill fit' for my Kilimanjaro trek in 4 weeks!
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