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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. He is spouting the anti Isreal/Jewish rehtoric simply because his constituancy is overwhemlingly muslim. They are thick enough to vote for him; well, at least their imans who tell them who to vote for are thick enough. Do you think he really has their interests at heart ? Like I said I don't agree with everything he says so haven't come on here to defend him, although he has been beating the anti-Zionist drum & speaking out against the slaughter of the many innocent civilians in Palestine long before he had anything to do with Bradford. So yes..., maybe he has. Either way he has th
  2. I don't agree with everything he says but I do admire the courage of the guy to stand up and say what he believes..., however unpopular that makes him. I only wish there were more politicians with his courage. Remember that we live in a democracy and that freedom of speech is every man's right.
  3. Definitely felt like Autumn over the last week or so. Brambles are hanging everywhere..., think they're probably 2-3 weeks earlier than last year. Hopefully get a couple more warm weeks before it really kicks in. Can't complain though, it's been a good summer.
  4. I'm not on Facebook so I haven't seen the thing, but it does sound utterly laughable, and most probably someone making mischief. The mere mention of 'them' or the 'M' word has the usual suspects on here going off like two bob rockets and making ready for 'the revolution'. I know this is a section for 'general' topics so virtually anything goes, but there seem to be a lot of topics about muslims. Aren't there other, more 'appropriate', forums for venting your spleen against Islam?
  5. Fantastic. Some really clever people about. I could've made that....if only I'd stuck in at the school!
  6. Acts of retribution against whom? The perpetrators should be in jail. There should be a full public enquiry and anyone in authority found to be guilty of a dereliction of their duty should be prosecuted for being complicit in the crime...and jailed.
  7. pesky1972


    Another candidate for the Darwin awards
  8. Billy Connolly back in the day was genius. Love Peter Kay's live stuff too, some fantastic shows. Sean Locke cracks me up. Frankie Boyle is a bit of a hero of mine also..., guy is radio fcukin rental. Went to see Michael McIntyre a few years ago, fell asleep half way through and left before the end... missus didn't talk to me for a week..... happy days :-)
  9. Sky blue Opel Ascona. 24ish years ago. Looked at buying an old Fordy a couple of years ago.... MkI/II Escort or Capri until I realised I'd need a 2nd fcukin mortgage! I remember when you could pick them up for <£100 taxed & MOT'd
  10. "Danny Dyer, he's the prick's prick!" Couldn't have put it any better myself.
  11. Like I said..., I don't think football's any less popular up here than anywhere else....certainly in Europe. There's a wee bit of grass right out the front of me and it's been full of lads, up to maybe about 10 or 11 year old, out playing football all summer. No different to what it would have looked like when I grew up in the 70's/80's. I know a few guys that coach kids teams and they take them abroad for tournaments etc. The one thing they all comment on is the standard of facilities in the likes of Holland, Belgium, Germany etc. We definetely lack accessible facilities for kids. There's
  12. Cracking photos as always IWW. That golf course must be infested with rabbits.
  13. Without sounding nasty,theres always a horrible sense of self pity you get listening to Scots talking about the game up there.....almost as if any country the game flourishes in should be commiserating and sympathizing with them......................30 years ago when Scotland were producing great footballers then yes ok id understand that.......but when they dont produce a footballer worth tuppence it tends to show that in todays generation the game is not all that important up there......so if its not important they dont deserve sympathy in my opinion. Not sure who you've been speaking t
  14. Have you got a link for that please Conner? I wouldn't mind one meself.I can't get a link as I use the app, but it's sold by 'bgood2010' £7.99 for the torch. 5 modes and small, the larger non zoomable ones light up the whole field.And the battery charger are about £14 with 4 18650 batteries. Can't remember where I got mine just make sure it's a uk seller cos there's loads of fake shite from china edited to add- hold the switch down for 5seconds to keep it on the same mode Be careful with them batteries......if there cheap ones and it's a none too good charger it can be a deadly combination,
  15. Also looking to but 18650 batteries and just had a look on Torchy's website. He's apparently tested the performance of dozens of the different batteries on the market and the ones I have are evidently pretty rubbish, although no big surprise that as they came with the torch. There's also good info on the danger of Ultrafire batteries. http://www.torchythebatteryboy.com/p/18650-batteries-chargers.html I've got a much better idea what I'll be buying now. Thanks for the steer Fizzbangwhallop.....and hats off to Torchy!
  16. The rozzers are getting a bit of stick for the way they've handled the search of Richard's house. Can't help thinking that their lack of discretion means they're pretty confident he's got a case to answer.
  17. If you look hard enough you'd probably find a wee smear of dog sh!te on it. Every bit of grass we played on in my day had a turd or two lurking in it. Thank fcuk times have changed & (most) owners clean it up!
  18. A sheepdog that wants to chase sheep. I've seen it all now!
  19. Forced to swap their driving license for a bus pass at 60! Dottery old farts!
  20. and what about the ones hes left behind? the depressers are not the only ones suffering, now his whole family are suffering because he couldnt lift the phone and ring one of them, poor guy? selfish? brave? Like I said.., a lack of understanding about his condition. You can't apply the rationale of a healthy mind to this situation, this is a proper mental illness. People who've been close to this describe a suffocating sadness and loss of all hope that their situation can improve, but also huge guilt for it causing pain to their loved ones. They will genuinely believe that everyone will be b
  21. Always been filth that would hurt kids.., and always will, impossible to tell if there's more or less. We've been rooting them out much more in recent years and because it's all over the media it seems as though the problem's on the increase. The perception of risk is higher now, but the actual risk to kids may well be much less because the risk of them getting caught is much higher. On the one hand the increase in awareness of the risk of paedos is a good thing as kids probably recognise the danger and can appreciate that it's in no way their fault and the correct thing to do is report a
  22. Happy left handers day...bunch of weirdos. Next 364 days are ours... GIRFUY
  23. Sh!te some people talk on here... the guy was described as having been "battling severe depression". To say that he's been selfish or cowardly, or that he should consider himself lucky or luckier than some others and that would somehow make him feel better, shows a total ignorance and lack of understanding of his condition.
  24. Trumpets, Charlie Chaplin, & a Scottish guy shouting "Freeeduuum".....what's not to like???
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