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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Innocent until PROVEN guilty obviously..., but do you seriously ever see that happening??? Dirty fcuking nonce.
  2. Done...three times, not that it'll make the slightest bit of difference anyway. This poll is completely meaningless. You can't write an emotively charged and blatantly anti-hunting article and then end it with a Yes/No question like that and expect anyone to take the result seriously. I've no idea what Prince Willie said, but I don't think that partridge shooting or boar hunting is comparable to the problem with the relentless pursuit of the Chinese of rhinos for their horns, or tigers for their bones etc. for 'medicinal' purposes and in doing so taking some of the world's most incredible spec
  3. American robin? Pretty unlikely but they have been spotted in the UK before.
  4. It said earlier today ,,,that lots of Muslim groups in oz,,,had condemn it mush Leading muslims have indeed spoken out to condemn this atrocity. I've also seen a couple of 'ordinary' muslims interviewed in the street who basically also said that this was a senseless act and didn't represent either them as muslims or islam. No matter, we should probably blame Australia's half a million muslims for the actions of this one nutcase.
  5. The question asked was nothing to do with the Germans or their grandparents. The question the guy asked was... "What if a peaceful muslim who didn't follow or condone the extreme parts of islam was sat in his house with his wife and kids, in his own country, and a shell fired by the yanks hit his house killing his family, does he have the right to take revenge on the west?" Does he? Or does he at least have the right not to like 'us'? Are we so narcissistic that we can't accept that some people might not actually fcuking like us? Are you people so much in denial of the facts that you
  6. More pie in the sky 'we'll see' from you CC. No surprises there then.
  7. And you think these cnuts are the people's party? http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30473388 Once they've ostracised us from the rest of Europe it looks they'll set about tackling the deficit by hunting the poor & the unemployed...starting with Essex. The mask is beginning to slip.
  8. Max, I'm struggling a bit with what you're trying to say..., and you're obviously struggling to understand what I said, or meant to say, yesterday. To recap; you said, and I quote "Pesky controlled immigration of the right law abiding folk is ok. Uncontrolled immigration of the types who want our downfall ain't ok by a long chalk." I AGREE with you. We shouldn't have uncontrolled immigration. We shouldn't have people coming here where their sole aim is to claim benefits, or to exploit the NHS. We shouldn't be allowing people to come here if they don't want to integrate and contribute to socie
  9. Neither quisling nor troll..., just a lone voice speaking out for the silent majority of decent British citzens. Ciao for now. Give me a shout when the revolution's about to start.
  10. Two posts in a row where you haven't been 'laughing your fcukin ass off' Mush...., you must be riled " I have plenty set aside for the future and already paid for two houses" What do you want, a round of fcukin applause? That's kind of what I was getting at when I referred to your inflated sense of self importance. This isn't the first time you've been on here blowing your trumpet. On a recent thread about drink and drug addiction your contribution was something like 'closing deals & making money is my drug'. When I read that my only thought was 'what a fcukin wanker'..., and I bet I
  11. Charlie boy, we had this same back & forth a while back and I said then and I'll say it again, it's all 'just wait and see' and 'when the time comes' with you. It's all impotent wind and fcuking p!sh with you and your kind. Living in a dream world pal. Noted that you never answered my questions from my previous post, you might have had to deviate from the script. Tell me, how many of the 'ethnic English' are going to answer the call to arms? "you see I suspect I am not the only one, you have been sussed pal, we know why you are here" You know why I'm here..., add that to the list
  12. "hating your own" I don't hate anyone.., what have I said that makes you think I hate anyone? And what the fcuk are 'my own'? A bunch of fcukin limp dick misfits that are looking for someone to blame for the fact that they fcuked up their lives? Also, I've never voted labour or lib in my life, and I don't hate myself. Nor do I love myself too much, or have an inflated sense of self importance like I think you do.
  13. "there is and has been for a long time, a drive to race replace the white English population in this country" A drive by whom..., specifically? "ethnic English do exist, and are a separate ethnic group, under the race relations act, any form of intolerance, denial, or ill feeling towards my ethnic group and our right to exist, is racism" Okay, I consider myself corrected and accept that 'English' is a race. I don't feel or demonstrate any ill feeling toward any race of people. Genuine question though, how many 'pure bred' English people are even left in existence? The mixing and dil
  14. SKY sports 1. Programme starts at 02.00
  15. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q58pVhMnGm8 He'll get his eventually.
  16. Why does anyone need to be 'bred out of existence'? I don't have any problem with 'mixing of races' either, if you're not racist what's your problem with it? Define ethic English. Is there such a thing? This afternoon my daughter and her muslim friend decorated the Christmas tree in her room. The kid stays opposite us and her family have put up lights!! Maybe the joys of enrichment have reached me...they just haven't reached you yet!
  17. You're not that stupid Charlie, I'll give you that, but you are a racist in my eyes. Or maybe you lack the courage to really say what you mean? My guess is that your eutopia would be an England where everyone was white and could trace their bloodline back to the angles or the saxons? Your posts don't suggest that you're tolerant or accepting of people of different colours or faiths. You can split hairs all day with my terminology but the bottom line is you are a bigot. The England you crave is a pipe dream. You would be better off spending your time trying to make a positive contributi
  18. Not having any of that Marshman. Everyone knows they're all the same, and all plotting to destroy us.
  19. Max, I don't disagree with what I think you're trying to say. I don't think I've ever stated my own views on our governments immigration policy on here, and will save that for a more appropriate thread maybe, but fair to say I have 'issues'. 'Uncontrolled and unvetted' immigration isn't what I'm about either. Maybe it's the term 'undesirable immigrant' I'd have an issue with. Most on this thread see no immigrant as desirable...but more especially if they're black or muslim. Am I wrong? I think it's unfair to make out all muslims are terrorists and, in line with the point of this thread, th
  20. Fancy Khan will win..., but I've bet Alexander 'cos I liked the odds. Would like to see Khan win to keep it interesting, with the prospect of Brook & Floyd fights for him next year. See Mayweather on Sky this morning calling out Manny. Will we finally get to see it...? And will it/could it live up to the hype???
  21. "a self hating liberal leftard"??? I don't hate myself.., I'm not what most would describe as 'liberal' in any political sense..., and as for a 'leftard'..., well that's just your bog standard insult for anyone who isn't a hatemongering racist like yourself isn't it? All I've done is stated the facts and asked you to come back with some of your own so if anyone has been 'rumbled' then it's certainly not me England isn't now, and never in the future will be, the place you want it to be. That's also a fact..., and one it gives me great pleasure to announce to you These lands have a
  22. "if it was a white kid killed instead of st Lawrence of the bus stop, do you think the media would have played upon it like they have" If the police had failed in doing their duty to get justice for a white kid because they were mostly black and some were prejudiced against white people then yes I do think that the media would have been all over it. "do you think his mother would have been made a baroness?" Fcuk only knows or cares, I don't give a fcuk if they make Stephen Lawrence's mother the first astronaut to step on Mars. I only care that in this country we have a police force and a
  23. pesky1972


    Definitely Edinburgh for me. Glasgow's a great city too but the I think the capital scrubs up really well for the festive. A day just knocking about the old town & a trip to the castle. Hit tripadvisor for the pubs & eateries an take your pick...plenty of decent pubs & restaurants to choose from. For me the West coast (especially the further North you go) is the dogs but you need at least a week to really start to appreciate it properly. If you don't want to go too far North I'd maybe suggest maybe somewhere like Kenmore. It's only about an hour and a half drive from Edinburgh.
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