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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. More petty and meaningless insults....still on top form I see. Anyway, I thought I told you to go out and play on your roller skates
  2. ...blah, blah blah..... The day I'm scared, physically or in any other sense, of the likes of impotent bed-wetting freak shows like you is a long way off Charlie boy.
  3. Fcuk all to say....I wouldn't have said anything at all if you and Ragweek hadn't turned yet another good thread into a boring anti-muslim thread. Yeah, back to the topic, nice one Unicorn, good heads up for anyone exercising their mutts on the cuckoo trail. Might save them a lot of grief. Pity the usual fcukin bigoted cuckoos on here hijacked it though.....
  4. Not saying it hasn't happened before, and may even be the case here, but you paranoid little girls will jump on any thread going for a bit of 'mussie' bashing. People are caught poisoning dogs & cats from time to time, but it usually turns out to be a disgruntled neighbour or some reclusive weirdo...., not by muslims & because fcukin mohammed didn't like dogs. I'll reserve my judgement until we find out who's actually responsible. Like I said, you want to hear yourselves...., like a bunch of kids in the playground spooking each other with tales of the bogie man. Me, I'd rather be a 's
  5. Yeah terrified Charlie...., that'll be why I started this thread to rip the piss out of UKIP. I'm fcuking shaking in my boots. You need to give up on the mole thing now as well. It makes you sound like a paranoid freak......, oh yeah
  6. Not saying it hasn't happened before, and may even be the case here, but you paranoid little girls will jump on any thread going for a bit of 'mussie' bashing. People are caught poisoning dogs & cats from time to time, but it usually turns out to be a disgruntled neighbour or some reclusive weirdo...., not by muslims & because fcukin mohammed didn't like dogs. I'll reserve my judgement until we find out who's actually responsible. Like I said, you want to hear yourselves...., like a bunch of kids in the playground spooking each other with tales of the bogie man. Me, I'd rather be a 's
  7. Like I said...., fcuk all then. Pathetic individual...., apologist...., self hater....., all just petty and meaningless insults. Pretty standard fare for you though..., along with the winking emoticon in every post. You said earlier on the thread that you don't like to jump the gun...., but did anyway. I haven't, but if it turns out that it really was the mujahadeen, then I'll happily come back and admit that I was wrong. But if it turns out to be some sicko kids killing for kicks, or some smelly old loner who just doesn't like dogs, will you do the same?
  8. Nice pics. God's own country the West of Scotland, no doubt about it.
  9. Said before and I'll say it again, internet warriors like you fcuking wind and pish fairies would be the last people I'd 'come running to'. And if anyone, muslim or otherwise, 'try it on' with my 12 year old daughter then you won't hear of me on here for a good long while. Coward you say. What did you do then big shot?
  10. Not saying it hasn't happened before, and may even be the case here, but you paranoid little girls will jump on any thread going for a bit of 'mussie' bashing. People are caught poisoning dogs & cats from time to time, but it usually turns out to be a disgruntled neighbour or some reclusive weirdo...., not by muslims & because fcukin mohammed didn't like dogs. I'll reserve my judgement until we find out who's actually responsible. Like I said, you want to hear yourselves...., like a bunch of kids in the playground spooking each other with tales of the bogie man. Me, I'd rather be a 's
  11. Probably done by some returning jihadis. They no doubt learned the 'poisoned sausage' killing technique in the IS terrorist training camps in Syria. You freak outs should fcukin hear yourselves.
  12. Is she in the porn game as well? Might give that one a miss mind. I posted this as a bit of a joke ffs, but it's obviously fired off a few of the usual rockets. Thin fcukin skinned or what? PMSL I look forward your SNP joke stuff ? SNP will still be around long after UKIP are dead & gone. Alright, maybe that's not funny but it's true.You freaks really are sensitive today.
  13. Is she in the porn game as well? Might give that one a miss mind. I posted this as a bit of a joke ffs, but it's obviously fired off a few of the usual rockets. Thin fcukin skinned or what? PMSL
  14. Now I'm not in a position to judge anyone but, a month before the country goes to the polls and when UKIP are still really struggling to appear to a credible alternative to the main parties, is 'Johnny Rockard' really the best they can come up with? Will he really be 'standing' in the general erection....er..., I mean election? And if he wins, do you think Farage will turn up in time for the 'money shot'? All jokes aside..., I thought that UKIP were trying to identify with the common man. You'd think they'd be looking for candidates who were plumbers, firemen, pool cleaners or maybe pr
  15. Defo a hedgehog. It was safe enough though, she couldn't have hit the thing if she'd sat there all night. Shouldn't be shooting at anything unless you're capable of hitting it right. Silly cows.
  16. ...and he never did get them Duke boys.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-32205787
  18. Henry's summing up of Defoe's goal is waffle. Me personally, I think his tears were all about himself and fcuk all to do with SAFC...., JMHO. Henry praises the Sunderland fans for singing at half time and for staying on and celebrating after the final whistle. Hardly the first time that's been seen! In some ways it's even a backhanded compliment as he's basically saying that the fans were acting like they'd actually won something. Not having a dig at you Max but it is funny how people hear what they want to hear. http://youtu.be/BepkUJx-AhY And like I said before..., as a non-Engli
  19. Agree that NUFC v SAFC is not a derby but is maybe a pretty fierce rivalry, at least as far as their supporters are concerned. As a neutral I can think of at least 10 rivalries in the EPL I'd sooner watch than the Tyne-Wear one though, largely because there's usually fcuk all riding on them. As far as the best supporters..., my impression of Sunderland supporters are that they are among the worst and most fickle in England, if not the UK. They frequently vote with their feet..., and how many managers have they had in the last ten years? How many poor results until the banners are out and
  20. Happy Easter to all you Christians..., and a happy chocolate egg day to everyone else.
  21. Your have to wait for the white feather cowards Pesky or Plumterrier to offer up some sort of liberal bollocks! Coward? And you're taking the fight to them I suppose...., sitting growling into your laptop.., you should be given a fcukin medal. Not interested in defending anyone going off to fight for IS. They want to go and kill innocent people in order to establish an 'Islamic' state then, for me, they've made their decision. I'd revoke their UK passport and tell them to apply for one in their adopted 'state'. The very last thing we should be allowing is them to return to these shores.
  22. Not very charitable for a Christian In all seriousness though, the most accurate map that could practically be drawn up on numbers of rabbits & hares could be done here in a matter of days or weeks. No-one knows where the game is, and how it's numbers are faring, better than a hunter.
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