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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Can't stand these vigilante types. Hope someone runs the fcukers down.
  2. http://youtu.be/Yry2LnaNeXc What a sound??
  3. Some sick & vicious b*****ds out there. Only hope that they get a taste of their own medicine someday soon.
  4. You quoted from my post before making some obscure analogy to your obsession of racism and bigotry. That's not satire.., that would require at least a modicum of wit. You are one sad and bitter individual.
  5. I only made one at least partially relevant comment,then you started with your immature insults,like an insecure little fanny. Why not just PM if you're worried about cluttering a thread instead of cluttering it yourself? What was relevant about your original comment? It was a dig at me personally..., at least be man enough to admit it.
  6. Just like I said..., immature prick. Why do you feel the need to hijack and destroy another man's topic? Just like an annoying f***ing child.
  7. Grow up you f****n prick.Racist. In fact I'll go a step further and say you're a Scottish wild cat supremecist. Immature prick.
  8. Sure I seen something about this a while ago. Looking for volunteers to help trap and neuter ferals/strays and to knock doors to ask if they can do the same to pet cats in these areas. Good luck to them ??
  9. Good to see you're up and at em again pal and keeping that wee dog busy. ??
  10. Not on Facebook but some of that is funny as...Edited to add...fcuk me I just put the 'Ron' into Google and Ronnie 'fcuking' Pickering is above Ronaldo ?
  11. Tough break IWW. We've all come a cropper louping bw fences but yours sounds like a bad one. Hope you get well soon pal and get more of your photos up of that dynamite wee dog in action.., I always look forward to them. Atb Pesky
  12. Klitschko's postponed the fight due to a leg injury. Cushtyjook - I think you talk some shite around the whole Fury thing but credit to you, you've been predicting this for months.
  13. Klitschko called him a clown and Fury got upset about it. What the fcuk did he expect ?
  14. 'Anti 'propaganda..., nothing more nothing less. Branding hare coursers as gangsters and vicious thugs and bracketing them with those responsible with the supply of guns and drugs..., even people trafficking FFS.!!! To the folks who know anything about the sport, these type of accusations are laughable, but the problem is that your average man/woman in the street swallows this kind of sh!te hook, line and sinker. Of course there are a small minority that have caused and will continue to cause trouble, but these people IMHO have no real regard for field sports, or they would learn how t
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34288066
  16. Too much chat..., the driver should have got out and leathered the arsehole on the bike and wiped the cameras. Fcukin despise these vigilante cyclists.., going bleating to the coppers. The speccy dude diving off the pavement was hilarious mind....?
  17. No truth in that atall most of the people who slander Joshua don't like fury eitherNot on this forum...., every Joshua thread on here has you and a few others having a dig at those who believe AJ is a good prospect, and bigging up the Furys at the same time. Trouble is its only opinions and only time will tell if any of us know what we're talking about...
  18. Most of the 'debate' in this thread boils down to one thing..., jealousy. The guys knocking Joshua (Fury's fans/family) have a chip on their shoulder about the exposure and profile afforded to the guy, when in reality that's not really anything to do with him. The reality is he's just been marketed better..., a lot better. It wouldn't surprise me if he's earned more than Fury already and he hasn't fought anyone near the top level yet. I believe that if Fury was promoted by Hearn, and fought on Sky, he too would have a higher profile. That's just the way it is, with Sky, Matchroom and Hearn are
  19. Fcuk me, I lasted 9 minutes but couldn't listen to any more shite. You at least see where his lad gets it from
  20. Sky sports 1. Undercard on now, main event around 22.00
  21. Joshua should be too good for Cornish and I reckon he'll get stopped within 3/4 rounds. Bookies have got AJ 50-1 on!!! I'll be cheering my countryman on though and hoping he can cause an upset ??
  22. Wonder how many of those kiddy fiddling MPs of the 70's & 80's were masons
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