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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Love Edinburgh at Christmas time. Might take my kids in for the torchlight parade on the 30th, it looks a good spectacle. I'll keep away from the fair this year mind..., in for half an hour last year and £ notes lighter.., kids hadn't even been on half the rides? Bah fcuking humbug!
  2. Hear hear.Wishing you a better Christmas than you did last pal. ??
  3. Seems the RSPCA have lost all sense of self awareness.., or just lost the plot altogether. Even the BBC seem to be mocking them now... http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/35120611/rspca-says-we-shouldnt-be-dressing-up-our-dogs-in-costumes-this-christmas Remember now, if after a few sherries you put reindeer antlers on your bullx and stick the photo up on facebook..., if you get a knock on the door don't say I didn't warn you ?
  4. Looked to me like it was on an island in the river and the dog was trying to get off. Wonder if some sick fcuk dumped it there knowing what would happen? Seemed to be a few people watching it and at least one filming.??
  5. Terrible season. Had one coupon up all year.., where do you find a fcukin banker ????
  6. 33 years on I can honestly say I forgive him now for calling David Narey's screamer against Brazil a 'toe poke' He certainly left his mark on the game of football. The Tartan Army will never forget him. RIP Jimmy
  7. The very last thing this country needs is more fcuking chocolate. You could probably pave your drive with the stuff cheaper than you could do it in concrete. Drives me nuts this time of year watching big fat women with even bigger fat kids wheeling about three stone of the stuff out the supermarket on Xmas eve.., only to return on boxing day to buy more in the sales ? Celebration anyone? ?
  8. Mourinho publicly lambasted the medical team for not understanding the game and going on to treat Hazard. A player goes down and the ref has a quick look and waves the physio on. What the fcuk is the physio supposed to do.., say no???What Mourinho should have done is roasted Hazard for being a fairy and rolling about on the floor hardly injured when his team had their backs against the wall.
  9. Maybe it's nothing to do with the time you've been there. Sounds like they just don't like you. im not there to be liked im there to graft,give me all this thanks for helping us out on this that and the other and get treated like a c**t f**k emAt least you're not bitter about it ?
  10. Had a very similar situation a while back and basically just stopped taking my kids to the house. My advice would be to keep putting the kids first but go easy on her parents and try to explain where you're coming from. Remember that most older folks, especially if they've smoked all their days, grew up when most people smoked and pretty much anywhere they liked. They just don't get how anti-smoking most people are now. Stick to your guns but keep the head too ??
  11. Think it'll cost upwards of £35mil just for Roman to show Jose where the door is. Then he needs to rid out and rebuild the team., at what cost, and with yet another a new man in charge on a kings ransom. I wonder when he'll finally get tired of pissing his money away on Chelski and bail out? I myself have no sympathy for either Mourinho or Abramovich?
  12. Gascoigne is guilty only of being a bit naive and not sticking to his script. You crack jokes like that amongst people who know what you're about then fine.., but in a room full of strangers, some sly attention seeking fcuker is going to dig you up for it. The victim mentality and the constant search for stuff to feel offended by is fast becoming embedded in the British way of life. I mean just look at the amount of threads and posts in this section of the forum by people whining about how they're being hard done by ?
  13. Tragic watching this. It's a pity Jones doesn't seem to have people around him to save him from himself. Taking this sort of punishment at his age, and after a lifetime in the sport, surely can't end well. http://youtu.be/txnNuT744MU
  14. Works night out. Guaranteed to be messy ??
  15. pesky1972

    The Bible

    All religion should be outlawed.., then we could ban all the God/religion threads??
  16. Congratulations to you and yours.
  17. Tyson stripped of his IBF belt. I know that this happens routinely but it does my brain in and lets the sport down badly.
  18. Fury's entitled to his opinion and some of the reaction to what he's said is way over the top. Thing is.., if he's going to come out with stuff that a lot of people don't agree with..., and continually bang on about being a gypsy, and how that makes him better/harder/more 'moral' than the average man in the street.., he and his family/team need to stop whinging about not getting 'respect' and the whole world being against them. If you act like an obnoxious cnut you'll tend to be treated like one. Now all bow....
  19. Hardy whores. Life's about getting out and enjoying yourself. Good on them I say.
  20. Well well what a surprise, any other excuses or defences you might have to hand? I seem to remember that some liberalised 'useful idiots' tried the same trick with Lee Rigby's killers! I haven't made any attempt to excuse or defend the actions of this c*nt..., I merely commented on the initial report and footage.
  21. Police are calling it a 'terrorist incident' but it does look more likely to be some mental case who's not been taking his pills.
  22. Bless her. That's the TV news nowadays..., guaranteed to make a drama out of a crisis. ?
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