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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Like many I know a few people so depressed they took their own lives. I can't tell you what was going on in their heads when they done it but I'm fairly sure that their lack of fame and fortune wasn't a factor. Issues like drug/drink addiction, family & relationships problems did appear to be problems that they struggled with. Issues that can affect anyone..., even rich ex sportsmen.
  2. Is not having money the sole cause of clinical depression? I know money troubles contribute in some cases but it's rarely the only reason people suffer. Saying that people with money shouldn't be depressed is pig ignorance..., because the evidence is everywhere that they do. On the topic.., some of the best publicised issues with sportsmen have been footballers and boxers. Two sports where your career normally ends early thirties. These will be guys that have normally lived and breathed the sport since they were young kids, its all they know, and all of a sudden are left idle with no 'purpos
  3. Another great night of darts. Had a couple of quid on 4-3 Barney at 14/1 ???
  4. He used to kip on my sofa..., they used to call him a loafer...
  5. bull fighting is a backward an archaic tradition with no place in modern society lol It is..., but at least no-one is forced into marrying their cousin
  6. You've got my heartfelt sympathies JD. Must be a nightmare especially with young kids in the house. Hope you get sorted and everything back to normal soon pal.
  7. Gypsy men marrying Gorgio women isn't as much as a taboo as a Gorgio man marrying a gypsy woman I should imagine the wedding wouldn't of been enjoyable and ild be suprised it got to the wedding stage without the brothers and fathers locking the girl away for good lol I been to a wedding of a gypsy man marrying a non gypsy women and even then travellers where on there own tables it was completely separate event pretty muchThat sort of backward and insular behaviour is stereotypical of travellers. What I find funny is when they get all aggreived at not being treated the same as other folks (e.g,
  8. Gypsy men marrying Gorgio women isn't as much as a taboo as a Gorgio man marrying a gypsy woman I should imagine the wedding wouldn't of been enjoyable and ild be suprised it got to the wedding stage without the brothers and fathers locking the girl away for good lol I been to a wedding of a gypsy man marrying a non gypsy women and even then travellers where on there own tables it was completely separate event pretty muchThat sort of backward and insular behaviour is stereotypical of travellers. What I find funny is when they get all aggreived at not being treated the same as other folks (e.g,
  9. Gypsy men marrying Gorgio women isn't as much as a taboo as a Gorgio man marrying a gypsy woman I should imagine the wedding wouldn't of been enjoyable and ild be suprised it got to the wedding stage without the brothers and fathers locking the girl away for good lol I been to a wedding of a gypsy man marrying a non gypsy women and even then travellers where on there own tables it was completely separate event pretty muchThat sort of backward and insular behaviour is stereotypical of travellers. What I find funny is when they get all aggreived at not being treated the same as other folks (e.g,
  10. Fcuking piss myself laughing at people from these shores getting all upset and judgemental at bull fighting; a. it doesn't happen here so we've literally got no say in it. It's a centuries old tradition in the likes of Spain..., if they want to do it it's got absolutely fcuk all to do with us. b. the bull 'suffers' a drawn out death. Is it a worse life than the life a chicken, pig etc. destined for the table endures? Most of the ignorant w@nkers who'd happily condemn bull fighting will do so over a chicken curry or spare ribs. Ignorance must be fcuking bliss!
  11. Lewis looked in good form tonight..., Taylor and Wright less so, but both ran out comfortable winners. Shaping up nicely ??
  12. As long as Jose's bringing with him a new owner with a wedge the size of Abramovic's then it'll be all good ?
  13. Two clips! The first was pretty brutal but then she knew the risks. Some of the comments were a but rough mind ? Second clip is funny as. Never ceases to amaze me these daft fcukers running around in front of these bulls.
  14. Of course it's not impossible that big cats exist in the British countryside but for me extremely unlikely. And if I was looking for proof then this site is the first place I'd look. If anyone was going to find the, it'd be the thousands of folks who go out hunting in the hours of darkness.., where there's game/prey..., shining long ranging lamps into the gloom. I know there are a few say they've seen them but that's not proof. Surely a keeper would have shot one, or dogs had an encounter with one by now if they were really out there. Also trail cams are very popular now but as far as I'm awar
  15. MVG looks unstoppable on this form. Lost only 1 leg with 109 average.., and you get the feeling he's not quite at full throttle yet ?
  16. If the players have lost faith in him then the longer it's allowed to fester the worse it'll get for him and the club so agree that the board have a decision to make. If the intention was always for him to hand the reins to Giggs at the end of next season then they might as well just do it now. Giggs will surely look to findw players and a system more like the one that he spent 20 odd years playing..., and one the fans apparently want a return to.All the talk of Mourinho or Guardiola.., they won't set up to play the 'United way' either. And they'll win fcuk all with the squad that's there at t
  17. Starting to warm up a bit now. Would love to see Gary Anderson win it again but hard to see past MVG if he turns up. If he has an off night and crashes out then I fancy Chizzy to reach the final so have had a wee punt on that at 9/1. From the other half of the draw I've a few quid on Alan Norris to make the final at 25's. Consistently big scorer so should make chances for himself.
  18. Van Gaal sounds as though he's expecting a push and is getting ready to jump. Making for a fascinating season all this instability and change. In truth Pellegini would be long gone if Liverpool, Chelsea and Man U hadn't been making such an ar$e of things. Could it be Arsenal's year..? Would be some reward for them sticking with Arsene, and him with them, down these recent barren years. Also makes you appreciate how good Sir Alex actually was keeping the club at or around the top for so long. I know he had his dramas but all this 'he's lost the dressing room' talk..., Ferguson was not afraid t
  19. A dartboard of all things. Have barely chucked a dart in 25 years but stuck it up yesterday and had a go. Realised I can throw a lot better than I can feckin count ??
  20. Merry Christmas one & all ????
  21. no flame burns forever, oh no.., you and I both know this all too well...
  22. nothing to worry anyone just a bit of terrorist related info on his sons computer but as his dad said live on tv hes a good lad someone must have hacked his computer , now there was no conspiracy theory it was liveIf the yanks had intelligence that one of the family posed a security threat then they were right to block them..., and like our govt have stated it's their decision to make, not 'ours'. If that is the case I'd hope that there'll be an arrest shortly.
  23. Didn't see the interview. What was said that should cause the US to prevent them visiting Disneyland?
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