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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Ian Brown for me..., all day long.
  2. ˄ ˄ ˄ What he said ˄ ˄ ˄ Not trying to be cheeky either mate but you misspelled 'business' in your question so spell check and get someone to proof read it before you take it to a bank Edited to add good luck in whatever venture you're taking on.
  3. I'm not a big Haye fan but it seems he can't do right for doing wrong with some on here. Three and a half years out the ring and some reckon he should be fighting one of the top ranked heavyweights He'll need to earn the right to get back in the mix, and has already stated he'll scrap his way up the rankings. Talking of AJ/Whyte/Hughie next is IMO a non-starter. I don't think the management of any of those guys would want Haye at this stage. Haye doesn't bring any titles to the table.., although on last night's showing it does look as though he can still sell tickets, but would be a big
  4. Haye did what he was supposed to do. I bet him rounds 1-3 so I'm happy ?
  5. Programme starts at 21.00...., after a Storage Hunters UK celebrity special. I'll have some of that ?
  6. Obsessed! This is a thread about cowboy films you saddo.
  7. Young Guns & Young Guns 2 are about the best from the modern era.
  8. Great film but not even the best spaghetti western. For a Few Dollars More is mine??
  9. Like a parasitic twin.
  10. Served my time as a plater/fabricator. More recent years I've been in mechanical engineering, but other than it paying the bills I get nothing out of it. Lately been looking at doing something, maybe initially as a bit of a hobby, that I could develop into a business and that I could go at full time.
  11. Studying whilst working and raising kids is hard work and takes a shedload of discipline and dedication. My missus is studying at the moment, and I've done a bit in the past so know exactly what it takes. That level of ambition and willingness to back yourself doesn't exist in everyone so my hat goes off to anyone who goes for it and lasts the course. Well done Mrs Greengrass ??
  12. Daaimn..., fcukin sheeit...that is amazing! No-one does excitement quite like the Americans ??
  13. Not me but my sister in law bought a dining table and 6 chairs half price in a sale..., and got them sent twice. We got one set for half what she paid.
  14. Can't seem to get the link to open from my phone Edited to say I opened this page using the 'full version' tab at the bottom of the page & the link opens fine ??
  15. The dropping fuel prices is welcome news to most, but crude trading at $37bbl paints a very bleak outlook for North Sea oil, and puts tens of thousands of jobs in the firing line. And it may get a lot worse before it gets any better.
  16. I love watching darts but don't watch the BDO on the BBC. Sky and the PDC is streets ahead in terms of quality of player, presenters and pundits, production, atmosphere etc. It's like comparing the Premiership with Conference league football.
  17. . Thornton was a wild card pick 6 are automatically in Hearn has two wild card picks and sky have two wild card pick Thornton was one of his think his other one was James waid. Think it was the top 4 workd ranked + 4 PDC panel picks + 2 SKY picks. Apparently the ten that are in are the ten top ranked players so I've no complaints.
  18. Not a classic final but you can't have it all. Well done Gary Anderson ?
  19. Apparently the lad was having a fit..., and the dog wasn't a banned breed. Tragic. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-35213772
  20. Obviously there are sections of the media which are anti hunting. Wherever they are given the opportunity, they will seek to run down hunting and align all who partake in hunting with dogs with the likes of the idiocy shown by these morons. Unfortunately what the ignorant and all believing public will take from this article is that lurcher owners are all drug dealing, jeep stealing, armed to the teeth blood thirsty barbarians, devoid of any sporting ethic or integrity. There is at least a statement I assume by the 'Wild Deer Association'?..., "It’s sick on every level. There are 4,500 real
  21. Cracking wee bit sport. Thanks for posting ??
  22. More quality darts in the quarters. For me Anderson looks the man to beat. Love to see him win it again.
  23. Music to cut your wrists to??
  24. They're obviously just large domestic cats ?
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