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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. pesky1972


    There's so much about life, & the 'universe' in which we live, that we have no understanding of. The Gods, sons of God, prophets of God, etc. are all just man made stories cooked up to make some sense of it all, and used and exploited to manipulate/control/befriend others. The worlds main religions are all pretty much brand new in the grand scheme of things. Take Christianity, only a couple of thousand years ago, God sent his 'son' to let us know he exists. You couldn't make that shit up, the only thing harder to believe is why over 2 billion people have bought that. Edited to add; if
  2. pesky1972


    No doubt there'll be a THL expert along any minute to put you straight and ask you to settle this offline.
  3. pesky1972


    Too right mate, our boys done a good few things even had them in dancing lol Was going to add if my wee lad watches Billy Elliott and turns round and says he wants to give the ballet a go he'll need every fcukin one of those karate moves?
  4. pesky1972


    Kids are 9 & 6. For now it's karate, swimming, cubs/beavers, athletics & football. Think you've got to expose them to loads of stuff and see what it is they want to do, and then get them to stick with it.
  5. Paddy Power got Clinton 1/3 & the Trumpet 9/4
  6. Open goal for the Democrats now. Trump will get fcukin slaughtered in the presidential election. I almost feel sorry for him...., nah I don't???
  7. Nothing fcukin right with the Batty boy either?
  8. Some amazing flying there, but I'll guarantee that some of those pilots needed a change of underwear after landing ?
  9. See all the THL know-it-alls have already posted their psychoanalysis on the THL know-it-alls. I know fcuk all so I'll just keep quiet.
  10. Air France plane http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36188979 Reckon it was rammed with immigrants?
  11. Leicester fan Mark Selby has also just won the world snooker championship. Must feel like all his Christmases have come at once.
  12. Congratulations to Leicester, deserved champions.
  13. He's winding everyone up its as simple as that We hear that a lot, that Fury is just winding people up. Thing is he contradicts himself almost every time he opens his mouth. A wind up is a wind up, but if you can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth, it just makes him look like a brainless clown. He'd get on a lot better if he didn't talk so much shite.
  14. Big fan of the first two series. Hopefully this one is as good.
  15. Kestrels https://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/a/arne/webcam.aspx
  16. Fcuk me Fury's put on some beef. No wonder he's jealous of AJ's 8-pack??
  17. I think we will probably get pipped by the Scousers for a European spot but its been a fantastic year for the club i put it all down to the owners they had the courage to take a gamble and get shot of Allardyce and bring in a bright ambitious manager who wants to play the game the right way and respects the club and what it stands for i was one of many who thought we should of played safe and stuck with Allardyce as he virtually guarentees you premier league football which was so important going into the new ground but it was stick or twist and the gamble paid off.West Ham will have a job to k
  18. Sounds like you're shit stirring for the sake of it.
  19. Good riddance. A new low for THL and a fcukin embarressment to the hunting fraternity.
  20. Some places urban foxes have lost all fear of man and are out and about day and night. Found this vid of one in centre of Edinburgh.
  21. I hope they get the chance to clinch it on the park in front of their fans and Spurs don't just hand them it on Monday.
  22. I do. This poll suggests most people do... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-36134103
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