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Everything posted by pesky1972

  1. Galloway is a narcissist, and like most politicians now, blows with the wind. However, I’d vote for anyone who’d use their voice to at least protest about the current slaughter of women and children in Palestine. I think most people with any sort of conscience would think our government doing anything other than working for peace and an immediate cessation to the bombing of innocent civilians, is a dereliction of their duty to the electorate. And as for Galloway and his ilk wanting to flood the country with more immigrants, we’ll likely be getting them anyway. Country is already full of Afgha
  2. Don’t they call them gaffes Colemanballs after David Coleman? Think anyone doing a commentators job would make the odd boob. My issue with sport now is the quality of presenter and pundit has dropped off a cliff in the last decade or so with the demise of anything resembling meritocracy and the rise in ‘equal representation’. No longer can you listen to a couple of retired ex-elite level sportsmen enlightening you about the intricacies of what you’re watching.., you’ve to be subjected to the banal ramblings of the female/gay/black/etc. diversity target/quota who’ve now replaced the subject mat
  3. Seen him on TV a few weeks back, looked frail and not long for this earth. Can’t say I was a big fan but liked the series they did around the med a few years ago. 66 is young to die now but he seemed to have led a pretty full life, not withstanding his marrying a Romanian mother of two, which apparently hasn’t pleased everyone. He certainly had a passion for his scran and probably made a decent living out of what he could knock together. RIP Dave Myers.
  4. pesky1972


    Like probably most on here I collected eggs as a lad. Taking a couple of eggs from a nest, but leaving some behind, seemed pretty harmless. Of course if there were a gang of you out hunting, the nest might get emptied.., we’d call that ‘herrying’.., a term I’d never heard of before or since. The mission, as I remember, was to get an egg from as many species of bird as possible, the rarer the better…, a bit like filling a Panini football sticker album, where you’d want to fill in the ‘blanks’, and players like Dalglish, Francis etc. were the treasure. Don’t get keeping clutch after clutch
  5. One shot by police after it attacked another dog and those that tried to intervene. Apparently a dog brought over the border to escape the ban. SSPCA in Scotland desperately trying to re-home a load of these before the ban kicks in here this week. They’d be better off shooting the lot of them. Teenager reported after 'XL bully' attack in East Kilbride WWW.BBC.CO.UK An 18-year-old woman is reported to the procurator fiscal after a dog attack in...
  6. Used to like him on Radio 1 back in the day
  7. “If it wasn’t for the nips, being so good at building ships, the yards would still be open on the Clyde”. I’ve worked with a few old welders who remember the Japs coming into yards on the Clyde and in Leith in the 60’s with their clip-boards, taking notes and going home to build them cheaper and quicker. Sad to see big industry die, be it ship building, coal mining, steel works, fishing etc., and take with it the heart and soul of community. We’ve definitely lost something as a society and a nation as a result. Oil will be next and I dread to think what Aberdeen will look like in a decade
  8. Shouldn’t really laugh, but… https://x.com/1scottishbanter/status/1753751256680599840?s=46&t=VY4brBw2Zl3y1kklDlkEFg
  9. Think I’ve only been to a couple since T in the park finished a few years ago. Took the kids to Kendall Calling a few years ago as someone told me it was family friendly. Wish to fcuk I hadn’t. Pissed down all weekend and the place was a quagmire by the Sunday. Best part of the weekend was watching a load of absolutely w4nkered lads trying to walk up a muddy hill falling arse over tit, over and over and over again, and seeing my kids literally unable to breathe they were laughing that hard at them. I’d go to a small one now but fcuk the bigger ones. Happy to watch Glasto on the telly with a bo
  10. I believe Littler could become the best darts player there’s ever been, but still doubt he’ll get near Taylor’s title haul. The standard of darts is incredible now. As for snooker. O’Sullivan is the best ever no question, but could have put any debate to bed years ago if he could have got his head right. Darts seems to be flying, but I do wonder about the future of snooker, especially emergence of significant talent from the UK. Doubt many kids are watching snooker on TV the way the likes of Davis, Hendry and O’Sullivan must have growing up, and been inspired to pick up a cue. They see
  11. Like Bill Burr’s stuff on Netflix. There’s a Rodney Carrington set on Netflix which is pretty funny too.
  12. Hoping to sell up and move somewhere rural when the kids are finished with school. Always had an interest in birds and picture myself whiling away my twilight years feeding and watching a myriad of bird species in a mature garden. When I was a kid sparrows and stuckies (starlings) were all I’d get in the garden. Things are better now, and after a mental tally, think i could name maybe 30 species I’ve seen this year in the garden. Not brilliant but keeps me interested and putting grub out for them.
  13. Man’s had more handles than Trigger’s broom.
  14. Got that Merlin app in the summer last year and love it. First used it at a wee bit of hawthorn scrub with a ditch running through it. The variety of species was incredible, and I saw probably less than half of what was singing. Not much use for it at this time of year though, although I did confirm the identity of a mistle thrush in the garden last week. Looking forward to using it in the coming months though.
  15. Wow. First two sets taken against the throw, with absolute top quality darts. Shaping up to be one of the best ever. Just needs a 9-darter…, or two!
  16. Boy in a man’s body, and he’s fearless. Luke Humphries looking good and if he progresses he’ll hopefully stand up to his scoring and could be a final for the ages. I bet Humphries at 5/1 couple of rounds ago
  17. Been wet and windy for months here, with ground water logged and regular flooding. Wettest winter for at least ten years I reckon. Had a fishing trip to Norfolk broads cancelled in November due to flooding. Think the issue is more tidal than due to rainfall, but think they’ve had it tough the last few months. Hopefully we’ll get a cold snap soon.
  18. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Hotdogs, nachos and popcorn in for the annual Christmas eve “I’m not watching that sh!te again” family movie night. Hope you all have a happy and peaceful one.
  19. Joshua clinical, and made an easy nights work of someone who busted up and took Fury the distance. THL logic now dictates that Joshua would beat Fury. No argument
  20. Can’t believe how much the Fury fan boys have bummed up Wilder the last few years to give Fury’s CV credibility, when the rest of us knew he’s fought no-one of any real standing at heavyweight. Wilder is a dreadful boxer, and totally neutralised by a decent, but not anywhere near elite level boxer in Parker. Interested to see what Joshua has left, and whether he looks like he could seriously compete for a belt again. Also, fcuk all this sucking up to the arabs. We need these fights back in the US and Europe. If the Saudis want a big title fight in Riyadh, let them produce a contender
  21. Wilder stank the place out. One judge gave Parker all 12 rounds ffs!
  22. Thought this was nice…, very ‘Irish’ if you get what I mean. And no adulteration of his lyrics either, beautiful as they are. Rainy night in Soho always going to be my favourite though. Shane MacGowan funeral: Pogues songs including Fairytale Of New York ring out as mourners say goodbye NEWS.SKY.COM Mourners in Dublin gathered in the morning as Shane MacGowan's...
  23. All the very best for the battle you have ahead of you.
  24. pesky1972


    Nice wee documentary made by Greg Davies about his life long love of A Kestrel for a Knave. Meets with Dai Bradley who played Billy Casper in the film, and Barry Hines’ brother, who inspired the character. Worth a watch if you like the book and/or film.
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