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pesky1972 last won the day on April 21 2018

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About pesky1972

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Same here. I know blokes here who are in their fifties and think they’re part of a crew but when they were young and should have been into it, were nowhere near it. Like a lot of things, music is another one.., few lads I know all over the Stone Roses gigs a few years ago, but when I was listening to Fools Gold in ‘89 they were into Guns and fcukin Roses.., no joke. All a bit pathetic really.
  2. Bunch of tramps. The best trainers ever were ZX 600’s, (the original grey/yellow/black) absolutely no contest. Turn up in a pair of them early 80’s and even the dog’s bollocks turned green. Originally came out early 80’s.., then re-released 2005, before another release last year. I’ve bought them each time (two pair of the original colour scheme + two other colours last year). When they came out in the 80’s they were twice the money of ‘ordinary’ trainers and sorted the dressers out from the rest.
  3. Hibs bested Hearts in the Edinburgh derby Sunday. Not my team but I love when their fans sing Sunshine on Leith when they’ve got something to celebrate…, which isn’t often. https://x.com/grahamspiers/status/1896339730683539638?s=46&t=VY4brBw2Zl3y1kklDlkEFg
  4. Gladiator II. The plot had so much potential and they made an utter mess of it. Great white sharks at the colosseum ffs.
  5. I definitely think there’s much less respect for the law than there was 30 or 40 years ago. I remember knowing who most of the local coppers and CID were.., and there were some devious and nasty fcukers amongst them. Not sure just on the face of it today’s ‘diverse’ force command the same respect? Also, the stats for police ‘solving’ these sorts of crimes is shockingly low.., to the point I think some people have given up reporting them…, and the reward is then worth the low risk. I’m no nark or fan of the polis, but a civilised society needs rule of law. Vote for me and I will sort it out.
  6. He was brilliant in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Come with me.., and you’ll be…
  7. These days I care not one jot about what is said and done pre-fight by either boxer, I think most of it staged now anyway. The best fighting the best don’t need all the trash talk and ‘bad blood’ to ‘sell the fight’. Both these guys are poor tribute acts to their fathers, without whom and the opportunities and exposure that’s provided, you’d barely know their names. Boring.
  8. Loved Yellowstone, and watched the first episode of 1923 but never took to it. Might give it another try.
  9. The younger generation constantly whinging about gen x being well off having bought houses for tens of thousands which are now worth hundreds. Well, we deserve them. We had fcuk all as kids.., lived on the street all hours of the day and night with nothing to do but go looking in hedgerows for old scud books. Few prospects upon leaving school, 4m on the dole so loads of families on the breadline. 3 channels on the telly.., and most of that was sh!t. Everything I have I’ve worked for. I work with guys in their 20’s and 30’s and find their entitled whinging attitudes lamentable. They grew up wit
  10. Says I’ll live till 76.., that’s another 24 years. Was going to start watching what I eat and cutting back on the Guinness but fcuk it, 24 years will do me just fine. I’ve known a few people live well into their 80’s and even 90’s, and I want none of the life they had. Mother in law in her late 70’s now, just seems to get more bitter and spiteful by the day. I don’t want to outstay my welcome…, and definitely don’t want to be sticking around when most of those I loved, or loved me, have left this mortal coil.., and all I’m left with are the cnuts.
  11. Every time a running dog is found in poor condition they refer to it ‘being kept for hunting’…, whether there is evidence it was or wasn’t. If it was an emaciated collie that turned up they wouldn’t be saying ‘kept for working livestock’. W4nkers mistreat animals, and there are plenty hypocrites who’ll condemn hunting as cruel, whilst also failing to look after an animal in their care. Edited to add.., some of the best bred and looked after animals I’ve ever seen were used for hunting. Cruelty comes in all shapes and forms and includes buying breeds who have inherent breathing problems,
  12. The Bikeriders. Tom Hardy, Austin Butler, Jodie Comer.., about the early of the ‘vandals’ mc club. Neither the best or worst thing I’ve ever watched and decent enough fare for a Monday night.
  13. One memory that stuck with me.., probably mid-teens late one balmy summers night, bunch of mates and me had taken acid and were hanging around estate just along from the local boozer. Some guy maybe early 20’s still in his work suit totally pissed walked from the pub right by us muttering to himself. Went into his house about 30yds from where we were sitting and strangled his girlfriend…, and all the time we were a stones throw away, oblivious. Done with her murder. Cut to maybe ten years ago I see a report on the news of some guy that’s done in his girlfriend.., I’m certain it’s the same cn
  14. Joe Gallagher diagnosed with cancer. Shame, comes across as a decent guy.., and always seems to put his fighters best interests first. Joe Gallagher: Elite boxing trainer discusses cancer diagnosis as he prepares fighters for key bouts | Boxing News | Sky Sports WWW.SKYSPORTS.COM One of Britains leading boxing coaches Joe Gallagher has been...
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