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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. mel b

    Dry January

    Please don't ever try to figure out how a woman thinks , you'll just upset yourself
  2. mel b

    Dry January

    I'd keep an eye on that one if I was you mate . When my mrs made toast , it was warm bread . It took me ages to convince her that it needs to be brown .
  3. Pah, Mchull would only need two elastic bands and a clothes peg to beat that !!!!
  4. That sounds about right for the crackling mack. It all looks so tasty mate.
  5. I could get stuck into that lot mack .
  6. The wonderful world of alcohol abuse .
  7. Feck me mack . It looks grim up north .
  8. Is that some kind of transsexual food advert mack ?. It was quite disturbing .
  9. Sir , you are a champion .
  10. I've always completely agreed with that Arry. Being a hunter of any kind is a pain in the ass. You're out at all hours of the day and night , in all weather conditions, but something inside makes you do it , you don't have a choice , you just have to. Sometimes you'll take a break from it , but it always pulls you back.
  11. Sitting outside my tiny caravan in my woodland. I could spend hours just sitting there, and just looking and listening.
  12. best ever post in the whole history of the Internet
  13. mel b

    Pet hates.

    I completely agree with you wilf . It's a complete and utter shitshow. It's something that's forced on all of us , by f***ing idiots , that couldn't give a rats ass about the environment. They just care about keeping their hungry snouts in the trough . The really scary thing , is that it's about to start getting much worse , and much more expensive. I don't think that it'll be too long now , before we're all being charged individually for the amount of general waste that we put in our bins . The story goes , that we'll all have weekly / fortnightly/monthly general refuse colle
  14. What is it kanny ?. I'm guessing something to do with a sound system?
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