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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. Xxxx mink , I'm going the full otter .
  2. I think you'll find that a hamster up the bum is very filling . It certainly put me off my tea .
  3. I'm with you , I'd give it a crack .
  4. You seem to know a lot about bones in throats
  5. I remember it being a bit bland , and sort of like whiting in texture , but it's been over 40 years since I ate it. I'll have a go at eating most things , but I don't think I'd fancy it these days.
  6. I've eaten pike several times , that was prepared and cooked by my friends wife . She'd fillet it , then remove those horrible little bones , then slice it and deep fry it in batter . It was equal to any chip shop cod. I've also eaten plenty of eels , and my share of barbel when I was younger I used to bring home perch for another friends wife , but I've never eaten it , and I used to bring back pike up to 3lb , and eels , for another neighbour. My mom used to like grayling , but I can't remember how she used to cook it.
  7. That's a fantastic looking piece of kit , and I'd love to have a go in it , just as long as we stuck to the 6ft rule .
  8. I'd be that pilot . I'd love a go in a helicopter, as long as I'd didn't go any higher than about 6ft . It's funny really because I've happily driven a car at 150mph , and probably ridden a bike even faster , but you'd never get me in a plane , or submarine.
  9. Playing with those things can only end one way . Theirs a small airport close to one of my pigeon shooting permissions, and they regularly fly over the top of me. They make me shudder.
  10. If I was going up in a kite with a lawn mower engine , I'd need a nappy , not a big coat .
  11. This . Not many of us would turn our backs on someone in genuine need , no matter what language they speak , or the colour of their skin. BUT. We don't need any more somali pirates , Albanian gangsters , or , murdering rapists from the rest of the world. The government ( of every colour) , will do its best to take every penny that you ever earn. I don't mind paying my taxes , and I'd even be quite happy to pay a little bit more , but I massively resent the way that my hard earned money is wasted by every government.
  12. I'll second that . It takes a thoroughbred asshole to do something like that.
  13. That was a very dignified response by his mom .
  14. What a shameful thing to do .
  15. It'll be interesting to hear the full story , because it seems like a pretty random thing to do.
  16. I thought that you could remove sycamore trees , if they're on your land , and they don't have a tpo on them. Obviously if it isn't on your land , then you have no business cutting it down.
  17. mel b


    You can always rely on your mates to be complete cxxxx
  18. That just about sums up the whole sorry shitshow .
  19. I've had them swimming uphill all summer so they're match fit .
  20. How did I miss this , you old pet shop boy .
  21. Feckin gobsmacked ! . Just what the feck ?.
  22. they're cracking little things . Mine seemed to think that it was one of the kids . It's funny really . I'd happily go to a farm and shoot 100s of , rooks , crows , pigeons etc , but if I found one with a broken wing , I'd bring it home , and look after it until it could fly away again. I must have shot many thousands of rabbits over the years , but , if I run one over with the car , I feel like the world's biggest b*****d, and it bothers me all day .
  23. f**k em. I'm a wood slag , I'll do anything for a log . I've also got about a ton of new 18mm plywood to burn . It breaks my heart to burn it , but you can only find so many DIY projects to use it on .
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