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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. I've saved you a very special one ( it's actually a giant otter ).
  2. Thankyou for the eeeerrrr plug . Fresh Christmas hamsters ( ready oiled with tincture of ginger) , will be on sale in all good pet stores from the 17th .
  3. You must be joking , he's the richest man in Norfolk. He owns , three turnips, a goat , a Morris minor , and a january 1968 edition of razzle ( the one with May West and the pop up boobies).
  4. mel b


    That's a cracking place for an early morning walk mack .
  5. mel b


    I used to have a ball as well. I've used allsorts over the years . I've no idea why , because it's never actually frozen .
  6. mel b


    I'm guessing that would be very difficult to do . Just bolt them together with a large plastic flange in each ibc , and cut the hole out . That's another one to add to the project list.
  7. mel b


    You've made a tidy job of that mate
  8. mel b


    I could set up something like that in my woodland, with water running in from the shed roof. I'd always have fresh trout for the bbq
  9. mel b


    I like the sound of that as well . I wonder if trout could be grown on in a set up like that .
  10. mel b


    That just made me think about one of the farms that I shoot on . All of the cattle drinkers around the fields had goldfish in them.
  11. mel b


    Depending on how big your pond is , you can get pond heaters . The one I used to use , was like a fish tank heater , only inside a stainless steel tube , and with a polystyrene collar , so that it floated on the surface of the pond , and keeps the water just above freezing . My pond isn't that big ,10' x 10' , so a bigger pond might be much harder to stop freezing.
  12. It's weird, but I quite like the idea of a sky burial .
  13. You good ol Norfolk boys have a culture all of your own .
  14. I seem to remember one culture that smokes the dead to cure them , and keeps them on show . Again , that would seem insane to most of us , but cultures can be vastly different, and full respect to them if it brings them comfort .
  15. That sounds absolutely horrific, but we're very sheltered from death in this country . To those people, it's just the way it is I suppose.
  16. I think it was the same documentary that showed the burning of bodies on the banks of the ganges . Poorer people couldn't always afford enough wood to fully burn the body of a loved one , so half burned bodies were just thrown into the ganges .
  17. That's true. Our lives would seem insane to them . It's hard to believe that human beings could live such different lives , yet still thrive.
  18. It seems freakishly macabre to us , but if they have the belief that God created everything , so everything is OK, it must be a unbelievably stress free way to live your life . I would imagine it could get quite lonely though , as they walk away from family , and everything they previously knew.
  19. I watched a documentary if I remember correctly. It was about the many and varied religions in India. I found it fascinating that they could eat anything , even human flesh or dog faeces, as God created everything , so everything was good . They have no possessions , and can walk around naked , and nobody even gives them a second glance.
  20. Are sadhu the ones that have no possessions ?, and eat food from a human skull ?.
  21. mel b

    R.I.P Shane

    I've just been listening to rainy night in soho . It's a song that I used to sing to my late wife. It made me smile , but also brought a tear to my eye.
  22. The dumb ass has got seven years to wait for his next kebab , so that'll probably be cold as well. He's invented a whole new level of stupid.
  23. mel b

    R.I.P Shane

    He certainly had a wild ride. RIP Shane.
  24. I drive the exact same car . Its been the best all round vehicle I've ever owned by far , until today when I was trying to change the heater motor , now its just a complete and utter xxxx.
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