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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. I've just been reading that the police have found two bodies in the Thames, and neither one of them was him . How many people drown in the Thames????. It sounds like some sort of horror film.
  2. I don't blame her . One of my favourite breakfasts is rabbit liver and kidneys on brown toast , after an early start with the rifle. I've been a big fan of wild garlic for about six years now. I absolutely love it in a salad.
  3. You can still use the breast meat if you thaw them , then the ferrets can have the rest of the carcass. I use the breast fillets to make curries casseroles etc , and I mince a lot of it as well. I use the thighs to slow cook. I prefer the taste and texture of the thighs to be honest.
  4. I felt quite sorry for them as well to be honest . It's very necessary pest control I suppose. Can you imagine how much they must eat , and how much damage they do
  5. You're a bit late now , but if you're ever passing this way , your welcome to some frozen pheasant . They're definitely worth the effort (if you like pheasant). I eat more game meat than shop bought meat to be honest. I much prefer to know where my meat comes from, and know that it's decent quality .
  6. That's a real shame. When I ate from there they were excellent. I'm guessing that as chefs get more famous , they spend more time chasing fame , than ensuring the quality of their restaurants.
  7. I've seen his India programmes . He's very interesting, and his food is always top notch. I've had fish and chips at his place in Padstow a couple of times . I could only afford the takeaway though . If I'd eaten inside , I would have had to sell my car to pay for the fish and chips because they're so expensive .
  8. Pheasant parcels. Mince Pheasant breasts ( medium mincing blade). Add , salt , black pepper ,chopped onions and garlic , then mince again . Mix in , bread crumbs , an egg , sweet chilli sauce . Make a cup from the mince (size of a faggot), then put in a cube of cheddar , and a couple of bits of jalapeño, then put a lid on the cup. Wrap the ball of mince in ready made pastry ( we tried short crust this time , but usually use flakey). Quick egg wash, then pop them into the oven. I take them to work as snacks . They're very tasty.
  9. A salad with no cheese ???, my god , you're a feckin savage !
  10. Where's the cheese ?, I can't see the cheese . Please tell me you didn't forget the cheese .
  11. I'd love a lie in. My days start at 4am , it's usually earlier on the weekends (especially in the summer), because I'm out shooting or fishing , and I like to be set up before first light. Ps, you can survive on four hours sleep per night, I did it for about three or four years. Its not something I'd really recommend though.
  12. Well he's a right knobber. He thinks he's cool as feck .
  13. A powerline would make me fill my undercrackers .
  14. It looks top quality. I absolutely love jerky . I like it to be super tough to be honest . I love chewing it because it feels like I've eaten a meal.
  15. mel b


    Snap . Spotted a bumble bee outside the house earlier today, and flowering daffodils when I went for a walk along the canal.
  16. Thank you, but having permission to do it would take the fun out of it .
  17. That looks absolutely feckin perfect . Does it taste as good as it looks ?.
  18. Nooooo. I live on pheasant. I eat very little farm produced meat . I mainly eat game that I shoot myself. Admittedly I don't stand on a peg to shoot it.
  19. I reckon 2 minutes might see me dead with that mess . It looks like a massive game of kerplunk , that kills you if you get it wrong
  20. Jesus, what a mess . I'm a very enthusiastic amateur, and I'll have a cracking at most things , but I certainly wouldn't fancy trying to sort that lot out.
  21. You just need two plates . I used to love a massive full English breakfast , but these days all I can eat is two scrambled eggs
  22. Where's the other egg ?, and beans ?, and hash browns ? , and mushrooms? , and fried bread ?.
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