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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. Feck me. You just out poshed mackem !
  2. What did it taste like ?.
  3. That's the way rugby is supposed to be played mate
  4. Cracking pic charts . The little un on your right looks like a bundle of mischief
  5. The farmer was a twat . Charts was more understanding than the farmer deserved , and in my opinion , charts was very much the bigger man .
  6. Thankyou for the heads up dc. In all honesty , it feels like the whole of the UK is done for . I'd like to move abroad(even though ive never left the country before), but I know that only seeing my grandson once or twice a year , would absolutely kill me. My only real hope is to get as far away as I can , but still be within driving distance of the kids.
  7. Absolutely top marks dc . I really envy you mate. I really wish I had the nerve to do it. Weve been planning to move to Wales over the next few years( either right by a beach , or somewhere very rural) , but I'm seeing welsh folks saying that things aren't so good up there these days .
  8. A lot of the time , farmers probably know that lads are having a mooch about , but as long as they aren't causing problems, they're more than happy to let them get on with it.
  9. Spot on mate. A lot of lads think that all farmers hate anyone being on their land , but the reality is , that most farmers either like , or are happy to tolerate , most fieldsports. What they won't (and shouldnt have to )tolerate is vandals and thieves. I've yet to meet a farmer that isn't happy for someone to keep on top of pests . I have one permission of just over 1000 acres . Both the farmer that i shot for , and his son , that i shot for , have sadly passed now , but when he was alive , most people thought that he was a horrible old scrote , the reality was that he was on
  10. I had my big toenail , and the one next to it , removed on both feet . Two grew back( they aint a pretty sight), and two didn't. When I had the first two done , I explained to the woman doing it that anaesthetic doesn't work very well on me. She took no notice whatsoever, and the anaesthetic wore off when she was halfway through removing the big toenail. She wasn't able to give me any more anaesthetic, so I had to grit my teeth for the next ten minutes while she chopped away with that little spear thing . I was pretty close to pissing my pants .
  11. Funnily enough , that's pretty much the way that I've landed a couple of very good permissions over the years . It's does help that I'm really cute , and devastatingly charming .
  12. Ignore him mate , he's just jealous because I'm ambidextrous, and can knock one out with either hand , but he has to get the old bloke from next door to help him when his arm gets tired .
  13. It was very good of you to be so decent about it charts . Very old school mate .
  14. That's it , winter insulation
  15. You'll look like a finely tuned athlete mate You'll need to change you name to the forest of Dean heartthrob. You'll be beating women off with a stick .
  16. Two pints of cider and you've had all of your five a day mate
  17. That's the problem wilf . They didn't just move off . They stayed , and terrorised the farmer and his wife , for nothing more than their own amusement, and to show off on Facebook . Nobody I know would behave in such a cowardly and thuggish way. I'd be f***ing ashamed for anyone to see me behaving like that.
  18. Again mc. Well just have to agree to disagree.
  19. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one stiff. I know the difference between being a bit of a lad , and being a violent cowardly thug . Theirs a line , and no decent bloke , with any integrity and self respect would cross it.
  20. It is , but it's still not right mate.
  21. Get them removed. It's easier in the long run. Whatever you do , don't watch a YouTube video of ingrown toenails being removed .
  22. Nope, he's not fair game . It's his property , end of. That farmland is his back garden, and his livelihood. What would you do if they had been churning up your garden , and wrecking your tools , so that you couldn't make a living next year ?. Would you just politely ask them to leave , and just say , oh well , it's just one of those things. I just can't understand how any decent and right thinking bloke , can think that what they did was OK.
  23. So you're saying he's wrong for defending his own property ?. If you think that what they did was OK, then you really need to evaluate the way that you look at life stiff. A gang of keepers jumping a kid with a lamp , would be just as wrong .it would be cowardly and shameful, just like those thugs in the video. It's all irrelevant now , because nobody within ten miles of that farm will be able to go out for a shine , without the police jumping all over them. Idiots like that ruin things for everybody.
  24. Do you reckon ditchman would ever be hungry enough to eat an olive 🫒
  25. What would you have done in his situation mc ? , if a gang of blokes in 4x4 were tearing up your freshly drilled fields ?. The top and bottom of it , is that they aren't just a bloke out with a dog , taking a rabbit for the pot . They're, thieves , vandals , and , violent thugs , that were happy to laugh at a terrified woman. Like I've already said . Most farmers are quite happy to have a bloke with a dog , taking a couple for the pot . He wouldn't call the police or make a big deal over it , and everyone could just go about their business, but idiots like in the video , just get e
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