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Everything posted by honeypig

  1. Does look like it could be a bit awkward! Not a perfect setup I know. I'm waiting for a decent scope mount to arrive and that should sort it.
  2. Not had much of a chance yet. Hoping to give it a really good trial soon!
  3. Just wanted to show you guys my close range ratting combo - .22 BSA XL TAC with Gas Ram fitted and Ultrafire gunlight (this light is amazing, only £25 all in! If you're interested, let me know, and I tell you where I got it).
  4. Perfect! VMT Just found a site and ordered some wire etc so I can have a go at making them myself... so I don't need to buy any (thanks anyway though Geordie!). I'll post and let you know how I get on. Thanks for all your help and advice!
  5. Having done some more looking into it since the first post, I'm guessing the design is mainly aimed at fox snares and maybe not that applicable to rabbit snaring. Could still do with some advice on what and where to get the best wire etc...
  6. Some advice needed... I'm keen to try my hand at setting a few snares in the hope of bagging a few bunnies for the pot. Inspired by Glen Waters post on how to make the Breakaway type I'm keen to have a go at making my own. I'm finding it difficult to find somewhere to buy the cable, end stops and anything else I'll need. Any tips on where to get these things (and what the best cable etc is) would be appreciated. Thanks again. Will
  7. I've got a Lightning XL tac .22 and also a TX200 HC .22. They are very different beasts. The Lightning is very light , maneuverable and feels great in the shoulder. Great value and a good honest accurate and basic gun. Great value for money. It does however kick like a mule when compared to the TX200. The TX200 is a lot heavier but is an altogether different class when it comes to build quality. As it's so much heavier, it it far more stable and soaks up what little recoil there is. A very nice piece of engineering and far easier to shoot well. I could go on for hours but in
  8. Anyone know of any boar hunting going on in the Forest of Dean? It's where I live and I'd be interested in going along some time. No idea how people go about it. How effective would a shotgun be? I'm guessing it'd be a case for stalking in and using you'd need a pretty high powered rifle. Anybody who knows anything about it, let me know.
  9. I've never been long netting before and want to have a go. I've seen the nets for sale and don't know if there good'uns or not. Any advice on sources of info, decent kit, experienced advice etc etc would be appreciated. Many thanks, Will
  10. Just wanted to say hi etc. The forum looks great. I'm just getting into the field sports scene and this'll be a great source of contacts and advice. Looking forward to it!!
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