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Lewis Mccrory

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Everything posted by Lewis Mccrory

  1. Hi I have two young ferrets (8month) is there a way I could train them to pul rabbits out my old one used to
  2. Hi feel free to post on here about your plummers everyone
  3. Can't wait to get my plummer pup

  4. How do I stock break my new plummer pup when I get him
  5. How do I fattern my old ferret up for winter he's lost a lot of weight
  6. What age can I take my plummer pup rabbiting and ratting
  7. What age can my plummer terrier start working rabbits and rats
  8. Hi everyone I am getting a plummer terrier pup in 2weeks when he is 8 weeks I was wanting to know how to stock break him to cows sheep horses ect ......
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