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Everything posted by Danielm7353

  1. I rang your man wedensday night to confirm that u would be going and he hung up and text me back that the dog was sold after he giving me his word a glorified. B####X another donedeal waster
  2. That's the problem in Ireland there is few litters to choose from they aren't bred that often
  3. Would he be better. What is the advantage and disadvantages of a small dog over a big dog
  4. I am not trying to be smart or awkward I'm a bit green but what is the traditional breed lurcher
  5. I have been looking at them for a while there is a lot of crosses with bull hounds and collies . It will be mainly Lamping rabbits. It will be me and me only walking him and working him. What crosses do ye prefer
  6. He didn't say what height he was,what would be the ideal cross to get in a lurcher
  7. I'm going buying a lurcher Thursday he is 9 months old. He's a cross between a Colliehound collie Wheatonhound x Deerhound bullhound, he is supposed to be retrieving, to be sure your man said he will show me that he is. Is there anything I should look out for thanks
  8. Thinking of getting a beagle how could you train him to hunt. Hares and rabbits
  9. I have about 60 or gate nets. I use about 30 to 40 on a night and they all have a single string running line. What basket should I get pics and suggestions please
  10. Theses nets are for catching hares and on a bright night the hare can see them
  11. The nets will be used for catching hares. My nets are a very bright green and they shine on a bright night
  12. Anyone every dye there nets black. How much dye did ye use
  13. after booking my pure bred fox terrier, i want to train him to hunt rabbits, any idea what age i could start training him? whats the best way to start him?
  14. The bitch is due to pup on the 7th so I have a dog booked. Born hunter what dog do you have a poodle
  15. I am after buying a fox pure bred fox terrier, what is the right age to start training him to hunt rabbits. What would you do first?
  16. How do you add the two poles in the middles
  17. Hello, I have 34 yards of net and I'm going to make a quickset. Will ye give me a step by step guide how to make a quickset
  18. I have got a sheet of netting 37 yard long with a 2 inch mesh. How wide do ye cut the nets? How much of a bag do ye have and how much will the nets mount up to. What distance apart do ye put poles........trying to make my first quickset all I have is gate nets
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