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Room with a view

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Everything posted by Room with a view

  1. probably a 16 mm barrel swivel on the not sure tho, never had one myself as for the scope mate, I don't know, it was mounted on the used 97k I bought last night. its in the shooting supplies box right now tho. I might put the hawke sport from the 77 onto the 97 and then either iron sights or the hawke airmax on the hw77. or sell the airmax, but not sure yet, want to try it out first seems a nice little scope. as for the Sandwell tune, you would be best ringing and asking about the work they do and prices over the phone, --------------------------- what did you end up gettin
  2. I've got a k silencer mate do a lot of hide work a 97 is next just sold my pcp had enough of pumping them up!!
  3. Also what size barrel swivel do they tend to like ?
  4. I'm just wondering what tune they would do on an ?
  5. As above anyone give me any pointers as this is my springer in a long time what tune do people do on these I would like it tuned rather than just fitting a v-Mach kit any help truly would be great thanks Steve
  6. Yes maybe it is the way forward after all they are very well known as you know
  7. I love the look of the 98 with its fancy adjustable parts I'm now thinking of maybe an what's the offered weapon and what is better full length with silencer or carbine also can you remove the open sights thanks Steve
  8. Hello, I'm going to be placing an order on a hw98 today however I asked the chap in the store to order me a .22 he said he's only ever sold them in 177 so I said ok il think about it has any got a .22 on here are they terrible ? I don't like 177 the pellets are to small and I don't ever do targets unless I'm zero'in thanks for any input Steve
  9. Could you tell me how you get on please as I've a 98 on delivery and would like to attach a sling!!
  10. Hello everyone I've been borrowing a friends r-10 with an above scope i know would really like one with the 1/2 mildot if anyone is selling thank you
  11. If the airmax has sr pro I would like one where did you get it?
  12. Hello everyone I'm from a little place called neither wallop near Andover how's everyone's day going
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