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Pipey Magregor

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Everything posted by Pipey Magregor

  1. Never get tired of that pic, that dog was looked the business.
  2. My pal came over with his British Bulldog bitch yesterday and my pup was jumping all over her in excitement, then after about half an hour he my dog started humping, and kept on trying and trying. When I told him off he would back down, but 5 or 10 mins later he had his lipstick out again trying the give her a portion lol. It's just dogs for ya' I surpose.
  3. I used to fence for years, since the age of 13 infact, and if you're going to be digging pretty deep then I'd get more than one shovel or spade. I'd get some decent grafters and what we used to call the Yankee, which was like what Bshadle's link shows but had a longer handle.
  4. I've seen one pic of another JRT X Staff and it looked the business. One of the lads on this forum posted it up, I remember the dog clearly as he was a cracker but I cant remember who's it was though. Get some pics up for us to have a butchers mate.
  5. Yeah me and you have pretty much the same views on the BNP by the looks of things mate. Why cant there be someone or some party that would just do the right thing for us?
  6. This cracked me up when I seen this when it was on. Look at that limp wristed little queer, sitting there with a lump in his throat and shitting his pants lol.
  7. LOL, I love that, the way we here in Britain can still have a laugh amongst all the f****d up bullshit we end up having to put up with lol. Anyway, JRT666 The BNP does not want to get rid of all the Blacks, and Jews etc. The ethnic minorities that were not born over here will be sent back, they will be given the money for any properties/businesses they have over here and a little top up to set them sweet for when they get back to where ever they originate from (or so the BNP say). The ones that are born over here will have every right to stay and live as normal but will also be given a lum
  8. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm giggling like a right eejit here lol, nice one! lol.
  9. Same here, that just about sums up what we used to get up to round here.
  10. Martin thats the same here. When my Dog ate Dry food it came out all mushy just barely keeping its shape, when I started him in the raw stuff, he started shitting alot better and made me alot happier because its easier to clean up . PS. I cant believe I'm sat here talking about dog sh!t lol.
  11. Yep all we get is that North American invading scum. We had some in our loft the once, soon seen to that though .
  12. How have you got on with this Jonesy? give it a blast yet?
  13. Right then, all you have to do is put the URL for the picture inbetween these tags [ img ] your pics url [ /img ] BUT dont put any spaces as I have done here between the letters.
  14. Never mind the air rifle, I was more amazed that there are still people that look like that in England!!!
  15. Thats exactly what should happen but there is NO chance of that happening, Infact I think anyone caught at any of these meetings like what we seen in the vids I posted up should be shipped out without any hesitation. Let them know they're not going to try and bully this country with their cowardly suicide bombs and scare tactics.
  16. Here we are lads, this is all we need to know, Dispatches / Undercover mosque, its in 6 parts but a must for anyone who wants to know the truth - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Some might of seen this when it first aired, still worth a watch though. Make your own minds up after this lads.
  17. We wont do anything to stick together though because we're all to comfortable these days. We're more like, as long as they dont bring it round my doorstep I dont give a shit. It's our own fault realy, we've become lazy and complacent.
  18. The thing is they want to die because they think they're going to paradise with - virgins or some bollocks like that. What they should do with them is sling them in a hole with nothing but the bible to read and pig shit to eat.
  19. Don looks like a regular at the Blue Oyster bar dont he lol.
  20. If I'm perfectly honest, I feel nothing for the vermin that almost halved the human population in Europe due to the plague and the like a few hundred years ago, I'd rather see one dead or dying than alive and spreading all manner of filthy diseases. Then again, I understand what you lot are saying and there is plenty of other more effective and quicker ways to get rid of it.
  21. LOL. Seeing a Muslim ablaze and getting the shit kicked out of him like that must of been hilarious lol.
  22. Here mate, for £400 if you put the extra £70 notes you can get a brand new mint Digital Canon SLR!!! Check this one out Eos 400D Forget buying a compact for that money mate! SLR it!!!!
  23. Thats amazin', you lot who live out in the sticks must feel so privileged to be able to have deers and the like just stroll into your garden. Nice pics Mart!
  24. I have a set time for my Terrier aswell. Raw Rabbit some times chicken or fish (raw) and raw veg. The first feed in the morning about 8 and I give him a second feed in the evening at about 6 of the same. Some mornings I'll sling a raw egg in with it and he'll always get it down his neck.
  25. Mad ey, thankfully it was seen to before anything bad happened! They'll find who done it though, someone always gets their collar felt for these things.
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