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Pipey Magregor

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Everything posted by Pipey Magregor

  1. The odds are they've done it before and if they have got a previous they'll be going to prison for it I should imagine. What ever the case best of luck with it and well done, deserves a spot in the a News Paper that does Juls.
  2. NOW THATS MORE LIKE THE TRUTH WHEN IT COMES TO THE POLES!!! Good man Gibby, I agree completely! Rat Snatcher - The Cha Cha's from India and Pakistan arent Asylum seekers, we've got our fare share of them from our goverment giving them British passports to come over and take on all the cheap labour years ago. Now they have established themselves here they get married to women from their native countries and bring them all over here, plus their kids (if they're not born here) and other familie members get a shoe in the door aswell because their relations are over here. I know of drug
  3. Yeah they're good the Show of hands, I had a listen on Youtube, I like the "Roots" song, makes me wanna grab a bevvy and sing along lol . Eliza is still the best what I've heard so far for me though, what a great singer.
  4. I get the "Timed out" screen come up pretty often, but I usualy give it a few minutes and its back up and running again.
  5. Cheers PJ I'll have a look for them now I shall. I havent heard much (English) Folk by any recent musicians in recent times but this Eliza Carthy bird has bumped up my interest in finding some. Thanks again for the reply.
  6. Well done JT!!! pulled some smart maneuvers there mate.
  7. Cheers , I'll have to have at look for them.
  8. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light, and I sleep very heavily, f**k all wakes me up apart from when my kids were babies. I'd sleep lightly then and I would only sleep for a few hours before waking up. Now they're not babies I sleep heavy again and even slept through the mini earthquake we had a few years back lol. I could quite easly get my head down outside aswell, I could make a comfortable bed to kip on out of a bag of spanners me.
  9. If these clowns vented their anger out on nonces and the like rather than go daft over a fox then this country would be great.
  10. EXACTLY!!!! Now theres some sense being spoke.
  11. Lovely looking Pup mate! Good luck with the team
  12. And Ladies! Oh yeah of course how very ignorant of me, Apologies!!! Cheers JT
  13. I say f**k off anyone thats not willing to become British and live by our values. Anyone who is and is willing to work hard even for shit money I dont mind as long as they pay their way, their taxes, and dont try to change this country into something other than what it is. I've seen Poles walking about the town centre who dont appear to understand English, but I'ev never met one in a working enviroment that does not know who to speak our language. And as far as the housing goes, if its private accomodation then the landlord will gladly take rent off an English person just as they would
  14. Cheers gents, I just hope he works aswell as I hope he is going to.
  15. Ahh Martin what can I say mate!!! Well bloody done man!!! I wish you all the success in the world with both your dogs and your photography, first class on both counts!!!
  16. I like alot of different types of music, my musical taste vary alot and I was doing some mooching about on Youtube for some folk music and came across this tune called Worcester city by a bird called Eliza Carthy. Her old man Martin Carthy sounds good aswell on the Wife of Ushers Well song (which has Eliza playing the fiddle on it aswell). Never heard of them before but I realy enjoyed these songs and I'm well impressed with these pair I am. Does anyone here know anything about any other artists similar to these pair? Eliza Carthy - Worcester city Martin and Eliza Carthy - Wife of
  17. This is all the same sh!t my family used to hear when they come from Ireland. 1) If they (the Poles) are stealing our jobs then thats down to the greedy English gaffers who want to save on a few quid, and put money before loyalty, you cant blame the Poles for picking up some work where they can find it. 2) Have you ever worked abroad? I know lads that have worked and earnt ALOT of money in Italy Germany Spain and America to name a few places and all have sent money home!!! 3) BWAHAHAHAHA give me a f*****g break, Lazy!!! What a load of sh!t!!!!! if they were lazy and didn't get the
  18. Cheers people, I appreciate the time you've taken out for me here. I seen the Bitch recently and she is looking well and has stacked on quite abit of timber, it seems my pal is looking after her correctly but it's when the pups come that I have more concerns and how he looks after them. He says it's all under control, he does have experience with dogs, but I thought I'd ask so when I go and see what he's upto I can put him right on a few things if need be. So thanks for the help to those that offered it . I'll let you know how we get on.
  19. If I'm completely honest I havent got much against the Polish, infact I dont mind them at all. I reckon for those of them that stay here, and raise families here, you wont realy know the difference between the next generation of Polish kids that are born here and your typical British kid. It's like with kids from Irish families, you dont know tend to know they come from Irish families until you hear their last name, it'll be the same with the Poles I think. And its not like they're so completely different to us either, they all tend to graft hard, their moral make up tends to be along the
  20. Yes Beddys are quite quick, thats why they are the obvious dog to breed lurchers from. I see, cheers. You just dont get too see them round these parts, well I havent anyhow.
  21. We had a tornado here in Birmingham not so long back and it was strange because it tore right through all the heavily Asian populated areas .... oops sorry for laughing I didnt mean it . The roofers were loving it as there was more work than they could take on, and we got to get some money out of them for once .
  22. I dont think there is much you can do, unless you want to pitch up and wait around for them, or if you get lucky and run into them if they get greedy. Just bide your time and you'll come across them again if they are piss takers.
  23. Shame no one deserves that from telling someone to put a snout out. What baffles me is that the fella who shot Oyebola must be as thick as shit to commit a crime on this scale over something so trivial. It's not big, it's not clever and it doesnt make him a gangster at all. It makes him a thick idiot, The odds are he's going to jail for a LONG time over a ciggy. Shows an immense lack of intelligence on the shooters behalf I'd say.
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