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Pipey Magregor

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Everything posted by Pipey Magregor

  1. Sorry mate I just seen this brilliant little grafter in a Patterdale gallery and didnt think I'd need permission. I do apologise.
  2. How much does your dogs food come to each week Martin, if you dont mind me asking mate.
  3. That one might've come in handy on that last momma 'hog. At one point I had her by both hind legs and tail, and she wasn't budging. I do want to give a big "Thanks" to the folks on this board. Some of you have provided direct advice, and more have posted their hunting stories that gave me a lot of insight into this sport. Without the help you've provided the dogs might still be tearing apart stuffed toys for sport when they weren't serving as lap-warmers. Yeah I'll second that, everyone here has been of a great help and very informative. I do feel as though I have gaine
  4. Yeah he looks as though he's got quite abit of staff/bull in him. Looks a strong chap!
  5. Nah thats not my dog, I wish it was I just seen the picture on www.patterdale-terrier.co.uk I thought it was a great pic of a great lookin little worker so I used it for my avatar.
  6. Ahh you've had me lol I've got Dig Deep throw well back here though and I agree, its a very good book. I especialy like that blokes Bedlington hair do on page 98 lol
  7. Yeah, that'd be best wouldnt it, I seen first hand the disasaters that can happen as a result of not getting the dogs used to Ferrets that day. This Ferret bit the JR's face when he grabbed a hold of him and caused quite abit of bleeding, he didnt seem at all fazed by it though and just wanted to kill it.
  8. Pointer thats exactly what happened the last time I went out with a couple of friends who introduced me to the Patterdale breed. They borrowed a friends Ferret but was using his own dogs (Patterdale and a Jack Russell) there was a lapse in concentration and the Ferret ended up being chewed to bits! The lad who's Ferret it was took it pretty well, I just dont think he'll be lending anymore Ferrets out to those lads in a hurry. Here's a couple of pic's of my mates Patterdale and Jack Russell I just mentioned. Patterdale (Bitch) Jack Russell (Dog)
  9. Just looked it up and me thinks I shall be making a purchase of that.
  10. Cheers Vixen, I am extremely thank full of everyone for doing just that. If he comes together even half aswell as the dogs you've put pictures up of in the RIP Wee Blackie thread then I shall be a very very happy bloke. I just hope all goes well. I'll keep everyone up to date on his progress.
  11. Seems theres a few differing oppinions here, which makes it all the more interesting. To those that dont like the idea of crossing Pat's and Bull types, are you talking from personal experience working with these crosses? Thats about right realy isnt it, but in saying that I surpose not everyone can get their hands on the latest and greatest finest stock of working dog. The Poacher, That JR X Staff is/was an incredible looking dog, he just looks so powerfull ! Haggler that JRT looks the business aswell.
  12. Brilliant!, Can I say a BIG thank you to those that have taken the time to reply to me and for the warm welcome to hunting life you've all gave me and especialy for all the great advice. I shall print this off and take it with me as a chopping list . I'm gonna cut down how much Carrot he eats, and the Raw meat is an absolute defenate, I'll get him on that the next time we go shopping. I've been giving him tuna with a mixture of veg, would you recommend Tuna? he seems to particularly enjoy the Tuna. I will defenately take all this on board and follow up on it, I want the best
  13. Defenately, I realy do want another one, but I'll wait for a bit first. With some of the advice and stuff I pick up off you lot, and with the experience I gain from having him, I hope I'll have the know how to govern a pack of them soon enough.
  14. Yeah I like abit of the photograhpy myself, here's a black and white pic of a neighbours Staff I took.
  15. Thanks for the reply bracken, Before I got my dog, I was searching around for a Patterdale and seen and advert for these Patt x Staff's and I was going to buy one (£110 each if I remember correctly) but after thinking about it, I just thought WHY? when I could have a real Patterdale for just abit more. Like both of you, I dont see what purpose it would serve when you've got a dog that is already good enough. I've heard people say crossing them with Staff's kicks the balls back into them, but if thats their oppinion I'd say the Patterdales they've had (to think they need the balls
  16. Cheers Nell, I hope he grows into something worth while (work wise), it's mad because I havent had a dog for years, but now I've got one I think I want to get more. I'd of had his brother aswell the day I got him, but I was just thinking of the space, plus not being all that experienced with dogs for quite a while (never mind working dogs) I thought it best to just have the one of them to start with. When we left, Me and my brother sat for over half an hour debating whether or not to go back and get the brother, he was thicker set than my one and had more of a broken coat, my heart
  17. Excellent mate, good pics you've managed to grab there aswell.
  18. Yeah brilliant Haggler, oh man I'd love to have a blast of that out there!, Americans get the best of everything, its not fair LOL. Those Badgers look realy low and flat, they look like rugs with heads and legs lol, still I imagine that they're real tough wee blighters. Keep up the good work Haggler, great pics.
  19. Cheers man, I just cant wait till he's old enough to take him out. I was thinking along the same sort of lines of "If it aint broke, dont fix it" sort of thing. I was thinking that although they may look real smart, and have a stronger bite, they would maybe be too big for doing what the Patterdale (and terriers like it) are renowned for doing. But I am no expert so I dont realy know, I'd be interested to hear from anyone who thinks it's a good thing, and their reasons for it.
  20. I have been told by a few people that a Patterdale as a breed of terrier is ideal for what it is used for, so why do I see and hear of people crossing them with Staffs and the like? I realy am a fan of quite a few breeds of dog including Staffs, but what is the point in cross breeding Patterdales with them? Does it benefit in anyway to do this sort of thing? It's not a dig by the way just a genuine question that has got me thinking as I am new to this? I can understand crossing Bull types into Lurchers, that doesnt take much working out, and those dogs realy do look the busines
  21. Yeah lovely little dog, Heres some pics of my new Patterdale, who I got last week and was 9 weeks old when I took these pics. I got him from West Yorkshire.
  22. Ahh cheers lads, I realy appreciate your time and advice. Lurcher, I guess I'm doing OK with the food then, because I am currently feeding him raw eggs in the morning mixed with abit of skimmed milk, but I am feeding him cooked chicken that I get from Iceland (only £1 a pack) with a mix of veg, twice a day. I always make sure he's got a bowl of fresh water aswell. He seems to love what I do him, he loves carrots aswell (dont know whether thats normal ? lol) he'll take a carrot out of his bowl and run off with it and sit there and happily crunch on one until its gone, then go back
  23. Hows it going, I'm new to these forums so I'd like to say hello and thanks in advance for reading my post. I bought a Patterdale Terrier last week, he is only 10 weeks old, but I wondered if I could ask you people a few questions about working them (especialy ratting) diet and exercise. I'm not experienced in ratting or any other hunting but it's something I'd like to get involved in, I've got a couple of friends who hunt and take their terriers ratting (and I've tagged along a few times and realy enjoyed it) but I thought I'd sign up to these forums to get more oppinions from some rea
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