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Everything posted by Dracula

  1. Its not fair, its the only game I can play after 12 beer, a bloody nose and a broken motorcycle!!!! Its not my day! But I dont give up
  2. @all thanks for WELCOME! ...I dont think so, ......I prefer beer by the way, the only vampires I found here wear uniform and have a blue light on the car roof
  3. Hey, Let us make a new game? The "meaning" of the game is that the second part of a word is to be transformed into a new word. for example: Hound Dog Dog Leash lets start with the first word: shotgun
  4. Bevor I bay a cat, I try to kill the mouse with the shotgun .....by the way, sorry for my BECKENBAUER english!
  5. Hi and dont laugh about my problem My huntingdog 7 years (Griffon) worked on feeld and in the mountains .....nearly pervect. Was never tired!!!!!! For several weeks, he loves to stay at home rather than to hunt. This was the first bad signal, situation. But for some days I cant believe what I saw: ok, first I must tell that I bought a big old house on a village in Romania. I renovate it, and since 4 weeks I have a clever mouse in the house. I know about hunting boars, deer......but this mouse is maybe to clever! My dog ​​slept on the wooden floor, and the mouse ran 30 centimeters in
  6. Hello! I am not NEW...but new on the forum! Some times back I have chosen the wild life with Offroad and Hunting in the Romanian Mountains. And I miss nothing!
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